MovieChat Forums > The Shape of Water (2017) Discussion > This is the worst movie to have won an O...

This is the worst movie to have won an Oscar for Best Picture

Moonlight is 100x better than this.


Yeah, no.




No, it is not a perfect movie by any means but it is not THE WORST movie to have won an Oscar for Best Picture, I would put The Hurt Locker way lower than this movie and that piece of **** movie won Best Picture also, so as you can see now, it all depends on what you like or not.


Crash sucked too.


Those 3 are a tough call. I haven't seen Crash since it came out, but remember it sucking. Hurt locker was avg at best.


I'd rate Shape ahead of a whole bunch of recent, very forgettable Best Picture winners, e.g., Argo, The Artist, The King's Speech. In general I'd guess that Shape is going to be seen as a middle-of-the-pack winner like, e.g., Birdman, Hurt Locker, Slumdog, The Departed, LOTR:ROTK, Chicago, Forrest Gump, Dances With Wolves, Out of Africa, Rocky, My Fair Lady, *not* as a source of embarrassment for the Academy a la Crash, Beautiful Mind, Driving Miss Daisy, Around the World in 80 Days.


Personally I never understood why LOTR won.


@mike. It's definitely a weird win since even at the time everyone agreed that ROTK was easily the weakest of the 3 LOTR films. The consensus was, however, that it made sense to give Jackson the Directing Oscar and ROTK Best Picture 'for the Trilogy as a whole'. This line of thinking was also buttressed by a kind of restorative justice idea, that Jackson and the previous LOTR installments had been ripped off and ROTK was the chance to make up for those Acad. mistakes.

A relatively weak slate of opposing nominees also made it easy for people to get behind this sort of strategizing rationalization, hence "'It's time' for the Hobbits/Geeks" became the only big narrative that year.


Yea hurt locker was way lower than this.

This actually had the oscar vibe and from the contenders am glad it won.


It was bad




I greatly disagree with you I thought Spotlight was fantastic.


+1. In another league from this crap altogether.


spotlight was an excellent movie


Remember when truly good films used to win? Gone with the Wind, Casablanca, Lawrence of Arabia, One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest, The Godfather, The Godfather Part II, Schindler's List, Unforgiven, The Departed…


not only that. check out the movies just nominated from the 80s and 90s


Wow, yeah, really puts it in perspective to look back at this dossier. Shape of Water is a half way decent movie, aesthetically nice, but pretty well a forgettable, unimportant, hacked together fluff flick compared to any of these.


Hollywood doesn't have the talent to make those kinds of movies anymore.


lol yeah, Get Out was loads better, for sure, totally


In my opinion, it was.


Oh god, the only thing Get Out has going for it is that it doesn't feature a diseased romance.



People I know really did not like this movie. Del Toro ripped off Jean Pierre Jeunet's style, look and ideas. The acting is the only good thing in the movie.



He tried but failed. I even read an article where Jeunet says that Del Toro ripped him off.

