Feminism Posts
I have seen several posts about feminism on this board, they all seem to be started by men (I'm one) but not a single one of them seem to have a clue as to what feminism actually is. I'm a Creative Writing Major with a Communications Minor and have taken several classes in both subjects that also double as Women's Studies (Feminism)classes. The ones of you that have made these stupid, uneducated posts should take some of these classes and then maybe you'll get an idea of what feminism actually is. Because it's apparent the majority of you don't have a clue.
Does the word feminist apply to Ginny? We don't know enough about her background yet to know. The one feminist aspect of her character is that she's pursuing her career, despite all the male barriers in front of her and is determined to succeed. What's wrong with that? Not a damn thing that I can see.
I think the show's terrific so far. But what happens to Pitch's audience when it's pre-empted for the play-offs and World Series. There's a legitimate reason for the early low rating too - for two straight week it was on opposite the NFL. But this week, the Thursday game's on the NFL Network which few people have. So more viewers just might find this terrific new series - unless irony of ironies it's on opposite or get's pre-empted by a Play-Off game.
Incidentally, somebody also said this scenario is preposterous. Whomever posted that doesn't read their sports pages very closely. About three months back, either the Dodgers or the Giants signed two female players - an outfielder and a pitcher to minor league contracts. They're the first two women to ever be signed by a Major League baseball team. So maybe there is a "Ginny" or two "Ginny's" waiting for their chance to make it to the "show".