This one is wayyyyyyyy too far fetched for me. They should've stopped at the last one. Let's get real for a second. It went from cool cars and racing where I love them to civilians going on secret government missions and now all of the sudden everyone is a secret mercenary. BAD MOVIE!!!
It was really terrible. It felt like such a waste of the 1-hour mark, we were like: "ANOTHER full hour of this?? Uh-uh." We left.
Part 7 was at least interesting, because I wanted to see how they handled Brian.
I didn't see the next one. But when part 9 came was SOOOO slim pickins in the theater that we gave it a shot, hoping it would at least be a fun popcorn movie. It was incredibly bad. The people in these movies should be embarrassed.
Car chases are boring. Directors put them in movies to add excitement, but there's hardly ever any drama or any stakes. How a whole franchise based on car chases was such a megahit, I don't know. They did do it better than anyone else, and had some good heist elements and band of fugitives mojo to it.
But I did like the one where they jumped the car between buildings. You don't see that every week.