MovieChat Forums > F9 (2021) Discussion > Let me guess John Cena turns good at the...

Let me guess John Cena turns good at the end and joins them

See that shit coming a mile away, just like The Rock was after them when he first appeared in the franchise but then became their buddy and joined them at the end.

Cause they think they can replace Paul Walker with John Cena, cause Dom and Brian was like brothers, but John Cena is his REAL brother, get the fuck outta here John Cena can't hold Paul Walker's jock strap.


lol you're actually like you're real bright for seeing that coming.

This is the franchise that had The Rock and Jason Statham join them for a fucking bbq.
Jason Statham, for all they knew, murdered one of their friends.

John Cena is his "real" brother, lol ofc he's family by the end of the movie lmao


Wasn't there a throwaway line in fast 7 or Hobbes and Shaw from Statham that essentially said he was forced to kill Han?




Everyone knew it. You are not smart. Ok?


Yeah i'am smart cause i didn't go out and pay money to see this garbage like you did. I'm super smart, even smarter than you for knowing John Cena would turn good cause you know you didn't see it coming, i saw it coming and you didn't hahaha i'm smarter than you, i'm smarter than you.

God damn i'm fucking smart, you know knowing that John Cena would turn good at the end of the movie has really empowered me cause i saw it coming and no one else did, you didn't especially because of your small mind and low IQ. But thats ok its not your fault you didn't know John Cena would turn good and join them at the end, its ok buddy don't feel bad.


I did see it coming...ok you moron?? I also didn't want to see this movie.
You are not smart. You are someone that wants everyone to think you are smart.. You should have picked a better movie to show us how smart you want us to think you are. But you didn't do know why???? BECAUSE YOU ARE A FAT MORON who stuffs his fat belly everyday with pizza and burgers....

Go on a diet fat stuff. Maybe you will learn how to use your brain than....😃


As others have said you wouldn't be getting membership for Mensa based upon that particular guess.

However in reality didn't actually happen. John Cena didn't so much "turn good" but rather was booted out (again not particularly surprisingly) by the baddies. He then briefly worked with Dom before heading off on his on path with a cool callback to F&F1.

The biggest shock probably in the entire film was that Jakob wasn't present in order to accept a Corona from Dom at the end.
