MovieChat Forums > Wind River (2017) Discussion > Most irrational bad guy ever?

Most irrational bad guy ever?

(spoiler) What was the rationale behind the bad guys trying to and in many cases succeeding in murdering those police officers and FBI agents? Surely if they wanted to get away with the rape/murder of the couple, killing an entire police force is not the way to keep a low profile. They even had a couple of days to think about what strategy to come up with, possibly get a story together, wait for the police to prove their case against them rather than confessing to anything, yet the only thing they conceive is to shoot an FBI agent when she knocks on the door. Even if they had killed her, what would have happened next? Even more FBI agents would have coming knocking at the door? Then what? Kill them too?


While these are valid questions and issues being raised, it's nevertheless Monday morning quarterbacking. It was an alcohol-fueled, spontaneous situation that progressively spiraled further out of control.


He's talking about the shootout scene at the trailer. Not the rape scene.


Surely if they wanted to get away with the rape/murder of the couple,...

I know what he's talking about and it can't be seen as a separate, isolated incident. I'm talking context, the entire situation. One event led to the other. It was like dominoes falling over.


The question is the shootout scene: why go to the extreme of murdering a half dozen Leo's, one a federal agent, when nothing has been proven.


I think they might have been hoping that the wild animals would have taken care of the bodies and most people would have thought that Matt and Natalie had just run off.



they didn't count on a tracker/hunter with Matt's superior abilities.


& short stature


that really mattered


(SPOILER) Shark, I didn't get their thinking either. They would have had the FBI, State Police, etc, all over them after a FBI agent goes missing along with a small police force. The FBI agent was the only smart one shooting that guy low and then shooting him in the head.

The guy that was on his back should have known to shoot the other guy anywhere but in his vest multiple times. I know things are fast and crazy but after reloading he had time to think and knew everyone had vests. From the ground he should have shot that punk in the balls.

Still loved the movie and the shoot out was a great scene.


I don't think the other 'bad guys' knew he was going to shoot through the door. The guy in the trailer was either panicking or drunk. They had clearly planned ahead. e.g. their excuse for having bruises. The line about their boss down in texas not understanding the conditions in wyoming was a very smooth lie. Once Olsen's character got shot through the door they had no choice but to start shooting.


This. They clued him in saying an FBI against was standing outside the door, most likely hoping he’d play along with their ‘nothing to see here’ act, but the guy was a (somewhat caricatured) loose canon drunken raper hick.

Once he ‘went loud’ it was a full-on blowdown without brakes.


The bad guys knew when the foreman told the guy inside that an FBI agent was standing right in front of the door.

Those were the most incompetent police ever. They should have known right from the start when the drillers started moving on them to pull their guns and shoot them if they moved. And they all should have been wearing bullet proof vests. I mean that was just braindead stupid.


Once Olsen's character got shot through the door they had no choice but to start shooting.

The guardsmen already surrounded the police officers beforehand, so killing them all must've been the plan all along. They *wanted* to shoot even before getting to the trailer. Poorly written movie.



It kind of leads me to believe that these guys had something to do with Renner's daughter's death too.

Because if they dragged her out into the wilderness and left her for the coyotes, and they got away with it, I can see them believing that it would work again.


Low I.Q., sub-human scum do idiotic stuff like this all the time.


I had your exact same reaction: what a genius that guy is!


They were all morons. That’s all there is to it.

Most criminals are like that and get caught in the most stupid way possible.
