MovieChat Forums > lefecious

lefecious (25)


Bad documentary Great movie. Hope he sells it on his website. Most brilliant scene (spoilers) Michael was a bad fixer This is private property, you have no juristiction here! I think I saw this movie as a kid, can you help me out? (spoilers) Watch Force Majeur instead Things I loved about this movie... Anyone can cook? Apparently not Why did linguini mess with the soup View all posts >


LOL no it's nowhere near that good. Not the worst movie I've ever seen, but that's about all I can say for it. The acting was decent I guess. The writing was weak, which was disappointing because it was written by Mark Boal who did Zero Dark Thirty. It's an "okay" movie. Kind of a let down, to be honest. More in line with popcorn entertainment. No real "wow" moments. It's a shame because I was really excited to see it. Could have been a combination of her hanging out with girls that were even hotter than her. Or maybe the others were college age, and so they made her be mother because she was too young to participate. I'm sure the guys that were playing the game didn't want to go to jail, especially when there's a million chicks in bikinis during spring break that are just as hot or hotter than she was. But she may have internalized it as not being desirable enough. It kind of leads me to believe that these guys had something to do with Renner's daughter's death too. Because if they dragged her out into the wilderness and left her for the coyotes, and they got away with it, I can see them believing that it would work again. Him and Brady have no interest in being without each other. They're going to retire together. Both of them are tough acts to follow, so neither is interested in breaking in the new guy. Both movies are about men who, when placed in danger, behave cowardly for a split second, before coming to their senses. And how that split second impacts their lives. Force majeure does it in such an impactful, thought-provoking, and even humorous way. While the loneliest planet does it in the most boring way. I did finish it. And i absolutely hated the ending. It was to protect him from his drug addict criminal son. Was that a happy ending? I don't think so. SPOILER ALERT: First off, the man gets his confidence back because he carried his wife to safety, but then the wife just gets up and walks back up the hill to get her skis, indicating that she didn't need to be carried. So her perception of him hasn't changed. Only his perception of himself. This is further reinforced at the end of the movie because she was the one that stood up and confronted the bus driver, not him. And at the very end of the movie, she asks the bearded guy to carry her daughter instead of her husband, indicating that she still views her husband as incapable. All this, while the husband decides to start smoking, keeping up the self delusion that he's now masculine again, and has "fixed" things with his family. The juxtaposition of him looking cool and confident in himself while another man carries his daughter behind him is really brilliant. I loved this movie. Hilarious at times, but very thought provoking around the idea of masculinity and the expectations people have for men. Yup, I saw that movie you're referring to. It was called The Lonliest Planet. After seeing Force Majeur (Turist) though, it really makes the Lonliest Planet pale by comparison. Lonliest Planet was boring. Nothing happened in that entire movie outside of the 5 minutes where the gun was pointed at them. Then afterwards there are a few indications that the girl doesn't respect him anymore, and is even bonding with the hideously ugly tour guide instead of her boyfriend, and then the movie ends. It was extremely low stakes as well, because it was just a young couple dating, so who cares if their relationship ends? In Force Majeur, the stakes are higher because this is a marriage with kids involved. It's so much more uncomfortable to see things unraveling because it impacts more than just the two adults. View all replies >