"Obviously, you dad has absolutely no taste in good shows. Sounds like something you would have said, though."
Actually he was a huge fan of 24 and Homeland (same creators/writers). And No I am not making this up considering that I agree with him. It was just funny how he put it.
"So I don't believe your dad said anything about this show---that's just you making a bunch of s*** up."
Nope. Sorry but it's true. In fact he stopped watching all together. since 2003 our whole family always watched 24 together. This is the first time he just gave up.
" Also, none of the actors you mentioned are "ugly" including the actress."
Not at all. Again, he said the brother should be the lead. I agree he felt like a more commanding actor.
"Just admit you can't stand the fact that the lead and some of the main actors are black, and get the fck over yourself."
And here we go. Well considering I am a person of color and my parents were immigrants, it's hard to buy that fact. It's a shame that today if you critique something people always jump to race. It's just a damn shame. Especially considering my whole family and I are HUGE FUCKING fans of David Palmer. We were all pissed when he was killed and wish he had still been in the show in some capacity.
As for the looks. Idk how everyone else feels, but I thought the actress wasn't that attractive. And no it shouldn't matter. That being said, she wasn't a particularly good actress, and neither was Corey. He was okay in Straight Outta Compton, but he was overshadowed by the actors who played Cube & Eazy-E.
AGain, it's just a damn shame, that you jumped to race as your logical step. I assume that people who don't like Tyler Perry movies are all Klansmembers.
Oh well~