Only 2 episodes, top notch Jar Jar Abrams movie quality CGI, chock load of female officers on board with about 3-5 dudes (seems you see more females than males or maybe it's the airtime). Other than that, I am liking it so far about these mysterious angels the crew is investigating on. Heck they even got humans in the beta quadrant now.
Well, since you ask - yes, I am enjoying it. As a matter of fact I think the second episode of season two is the second best episode of the series so far. I would call the Short Trek "The Brightest Star" is the best and the last episode of season one would be third.
It seems to me that the serial format has made it very difficult to find individual episodes outstanding if you are more focused on story as I tend to be. Individual episodes are remembered for bits of plot development or character moments and this means that a series is best evaluated on a season by season basis. Unfortunately, that means I didn't much like the first season as it was about Starfleet and it's representatives mostly behaving like the worst aspects of our own time... Since a chunk of this was finally ascribed to mirror universe action, it becomes less appalling except... The mirror universe is one of Trek's more overused and least believable elements... And the story also hung on the "spore drive" which is a technology which will certainly have to be written out of the universe to preserve, not mere continuity, but the technological backbone of Trek. Of course, this may not be as important as I think since we seen written out - the Genesis device, interstellar transporter technology and the magical blood of Khan.
Overall, it seems hopeful that "The Brightest Star" and episode two are setting up story elements dealing with religion in one way or another. The super-being/god business, particularly was very much a Roddenberry preoccupation and it could stand to be examined with new eyes. The mystery of the Kelpians with their religion and the removal of Saru by Starfleet is also something I look forward to seeing more about.
I wonder if any of this will relate to "The Preservers", an enigmatic, unseen, alien race mentioned in TOS.
I am also curious where the whole "angel" thing will go. I've also noticed the whole "Gods and Supermen" preoccupation of Roddenbury's, and as you say it's going to be interesting to see a potentially new take on the idea. I also actually care about the characters and it's a relief to see them be able to trust and work together like an actual Federation crew. Cool to see Captain Pike in action (outside of the TOS pilot), too.
I'd say the first season was by far more exciting - we slowly learned about the disturbing nature of the new warp drive - there was war with klingons, there was a lot of stuff happening - and it made you want to watch the next episode as soon as possible.
Season 2 - the whole spock mystery .... it sounds lame. We did see a bit of section 31 - and I'm thinking that might be an ok series, but the direction of discovery.... it had a big momentum in season 1, but season 2 is pacing along very slowly in comparison, and because I'm not all that intrigued by the spock mystery, I don't feel any particular excitement at the prospect of seeing the next episode. So yeah - so far I'm disappointed by both orville and discovery as far their second seasons are concerned. I thought things were supposed to get better, not worse, but alas -
So far yeah, it’s not that great, but it seems that it improved since the last season.
At least Klingons have hair. :) And the war is over, the war was really boring for me. I prefer Star Trek when they go on exploration missions and meet new alien species.
I’m not exactly sure yet if I’m liking the angel thing, but I like the mystey part.
I just hope that the angel will be revealed to be something else and not a real angel.
Yeah, they explained it that they only shave their heads when they are at war.
I think the showrunners realized they messed it up with the bold Klingons because of the backlash and decided to magically grow their hair back, which they explained with that stupid tradition of shaving for war.
The "simultaneous" red signals are stupid though. If 2 signals are 30,000 light years apart, you'd have to be 15,000 light years from each of them to see them at the same time. And that's if they had been sent 15,000 years ago. Someone 5,000 light years from one and 25,000 light years from the other won't see the second one for another 10,000 years. With 7 signals it's really unlikely anyone would see them all at the same time.
Just because your ship can go faster than light doesn't mean light can go faster than light.