MovieChat Forums > Get Out (2017) Discussion > I'm a white and loved it I'm so enlighte...

I'm a white and loved it I'm so enlightened, right?

Gosh I simply adored this movie. I'm white. I totally related to Chris even though I'm white. I was talking to this guy in my class once and I could tell his life was rough. He is a person of color. I felt badly for him so I bought him lunch and let him pick anything he wanted. He is cool even though I'm white he let me buy him lunch several times. We have thrown the shade at other white people in the class. Trantorious (my friend) is very funny like Chris friend in Get Out but not chubby. He is a student though.

My friend reminds me of Chris and other whites (which I am white) should stop hating people of color like they did in Get Out. I think it is the best movie I have seen and I'm white. If other white were like me this world would be less hate full. See Get Out if you haven't. It's thoughtful and the message of how evil us whites are is real.

Do any other white here understand the important message Get Out told?


From one white to another, i'm glad you liked the movie. It's a good one.

I'm trying to go for an entertaining, informative youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see and if you have any thoughts or criticisms, i'd love to hear them. Thanks in advance. Review right here-


I'm Albino but my friend calls me Red Eye. We tried to see Get Out they wouldn't let us in. Said all the black people would think I'm a Zombie out to steal their souls. Will watch the blu-ray when it comes out!


you are a lazy shit that should get off food stamps.


Stamps are put on letters not food.


fucking hilarious......

and Hollywood WILL die a slow death with their pampering and sucking off to everyone else beside withe folks.

enjoy the empty movie theaters libs feminists and other shitstains in Hollywood :-)


"and Hollywood WILL die a slow death with their pampering and sucking off to everyone else beside withe folks."

You couldn't back this up with objective data if your ridiculous life depended on it.



U.S. movie ticket sales in 2017 were lowest in 25 years

you were saying dipshit ? πŸ˜…


"you were saying dipshit ? πŸ˜…"

Your response was as idiotic and clueless as I knew it would be. Absolutely nothing in your lazy citations said anything about the drop in ticket sales being due to Hollywood's appealing "to everyone else beside white folks." Your own sources cite streaming services and poorly done reboots and retreads as the reason.

And now that I think about it, what kind of clown logic went on inside your mind to make a post about Hollywood failing when the movie whose supposed sins are going to doom the industry actually made tons of profit? Did Mommy drop you on your head a few times as an infant?

You just fell on your face in a public space. Better luck next time.



Haha, the funny thing about this movie is that it makes fun of that faction of "i'm on your side" whites that may or may not be sincere, but are still cringe worthy ass kissers/ brown nosers. So in essence, this post (as sarcastic as it is) isn't as clever as it may think it is.


yeah... it's a comedy of manners in that sense...

it's also ironic how this is the film that has been chosen by the media as some important movie, with a deep social message... as if the worst of social ills is a few well meaning, but out of touch comments by people not knowing how to relate to a black person as just another human being and not a symbol...

it's worth satirising as much as the comments in the movie... πŸ˜‰

Fun movie by the way... some real laugh out loud and "oh no!" moments... πŸ˜πŸ‘


I will watch the Oscars with my friend Trantorious tonight and we will cheer when Get Out wins. I am white. Who else thinks Get Out is the most important movie of all time? Well Black Panther may be but Get Out is tied,


Why do you think Get Out or Black Panther is the most important movie of all time?


My friend Trantorious is a person of color and he told me they were. I am white.


Stop throwing The Shade.


Fish Dick will win half the Oscars! Fish people are the new blacks. I just married my goldfish.


No. Gay WAS the new black but now thanks to Black Panther and of course Get Out Black is the new Black again. Trantorious told me this since I am white and wouldn't have known without the input of a person of color. Are you a gay fish?

