MovieChat Forums > Get Out (2017) Discussion > What was the point of the hypnosis?

What was the point of the hypnosis?

Was it just there to throw off the audience for the first half of the movie? In the context of the story, did the hypnosis serve any purpose whatsoever?

Still trying to put all the pieces together.


I feel it was used as a way to condition the person being hypnotized in order for them to be trapped in the sunken place while someone else is taking the drivers seat in there body if that makes any sense


But their brains would be swapped so there was no point in the hypnosis unless we're talking about the black person's soul being trapped inside their body. And where does the white person's body go?


The brains were not swapped just made into I guess a hybrid in order to keep have the older brain last longer I think unless others have other ideas about this


Okay all I saw was the blind white guy on a stretcher with his brain exposed about to be swapped with Chris. Then near the end when the black groundkeeper (grandpa) attacked Chris, you see the incision scar on grandpa's forehead that indicates his brain was operated on.


Jim, the blind guy who wanted Chris' eyes, explained that Chris' brain cannot be completely removed and replaced. The brain stem must be kept because of its connections to the nervous system and functions like breathing, heart rate, body temperature, digestion, sneezing, swallowing, etc. The rest of the Chris' brain, however, could be replaced with Jim's.

Unfortunately, retaining the victim's brain stem means a "sliver" of the victim's consciousness would also end up being retained. So hypnosis is used keep this consciousness confined to the sunken place. The hypnosis is the pre-operation procedure (sedation and mental/psychological preparation) for the transplant.

The true horror of this is that that victim floats helplessly, trapped in that dark sunken place watching the world go by while someone else controls his body, for the rest of his life.


I thought of something else.I think they use hypnosis to keep the body healthy and I'm guessing the part of brain that does not want to smoke is still in use with someone else's brain


I thought it was to keep the first dominate host in check while the second takes over


It was to keep the subject in a comatose State so they could do whatever they wanted to the subjects without any resistance


Yeah, I wasn't expecting it but that was actually a really creepy scene. Imagine not being able to move any muscle in your body. That shit freaked me the fuck out.

I'm trying to go for an engaging, funny youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance. A review of the movie here-


Yeah, definitely the point was for them to not be able to resit or run away. With further sessions she could have made him do whatever she wanted, but there had been no further need for more sessions as the winner of the 'bingo' was the blind man, and what he wanted was to be able to see again, so they were going to take some brain nerves that connect to the eyes from the protagonist and put it in the blind man. I suspect the protagonist would have died in the operating table, as they would have no need for a blind 'slave'.


I'm enjoying reading people's ideas about this! I guess I have a follow up question then... Why did the hypnosis have to be SCARY??? I would think it would be much easier to control someone's mind if you put them in a state of perceived bliss, sort of luring them to agree with all your suggestions...
If the mom was a sadist, then sure, it makes sense... But I don't think she is. Does she lack a conscience? Yes. But does that mean she enjoys causing pain just for the sake of it?? I really didn't get that impression... (Other than the hypnosis scenes)


The mother is a nasty piece of work, of course she's a sadist. She's inhumane. That whole community are. They treat black people like they do rabbits, taking them out 'one at a time', but for them its not enough to 'take them out', they get a kick out of 'enslaving' them, bending their free will to suit their own needs. A rapper from the Bronx is turned into a southern gentleman/sex slave; a college girl is turned into an all obliging housemaid; a successful photographer's optical brain nerves are to be transplanted to a white blind man. These people are the 'polite' version Ku Klux Klan. In appearance they are 'polite', even 'progressive', but what lies underneath is the same ugliness as their forebearers. The surgeon's father had lost to Jesse James in the Berlin Olympics, and he certainly had an axe to grind against black people.

No matter how nice and soothing she would make the 'going down' experience, the fact is that the 'victim' would eventually have felt horror and panic when they realised they had zero control of their bodies etc.


I dont think the grandpa had an axe to grind with black people. More like he was impressed at jesse Owens feat at the 36 olympics. Even though he lost out. It made him strive to create a way of getting better/faster = which was a form of Eugenics Hitler promoted. So while he admired Owens' speed, it was more about creating or capturing perfection.
Secondly, when asked why black people were being chosen, it was clear from the TV that Blacks simply were more susceptable to the hypnosis. Which was bordering on reverse racism by Jordan Peele.
None of these people cared that blacks were the chosen ones -- just that they were/are. So that was all they could choose from.
The old lady having her husband go into the younger guy.
Grandpa taking a fast guy.
Grandma taking a young girl.
Blind art dealer taking a photographer.

These choices are all pretty obvious regardless of race. If it werent for Black people being the only ones it works on my guess is they might prefer different races.

Oddly im not even sure wht people got up in arms about it. If anything it was a real knock on blacks being easy to hypnotize.


I disagree with you. So would the director, imo. Here's an interview he gave of the subject of Racism as the central theme in Get Out:

“Part of the desire to live in a post-racial world includes the desire not to have to talk about racism, which includes a false perception that if you are talking about race, then you’re perpetuating the notion of race. I reject that. Because here we are living in this country where we had a black president and the whole idea was let’s not talk about race any more. If you’ve seen Ava DuVernay’s The 13th, it’s a wonderful documentary that shows how slavery has simply transformed into the prison-industrial complex. The disproportionate number of black men thrown into a dark room for the rest of their lives is one of the central themes of what my movie is an allegory for.”


Perfectly fine explanation, but when I watched the film the only person who came across as racist was the cop at the beginning.. and even then, that was more reflex.
The entire family cant be racist when they are hands down certifiably insane: all of them.
In my opinion, being a racist is someone who chooses to treat another race poorly. Charles Manson could have been a racist but who cares? The guy was a psychotic murderer.
If what the movie is trying to say, is that we "see" race differently, then everyone is racist. Im "aware" when i speak to a black guy or an asian guy or for that matter a red haired white guy because they "look" differently then i do. No harm no foul.
And just because a director intends to write a story, the movie can be viewed in many ways.
If black people think by going to hang out with a white family fir the weekend will be anything like this movie - then theres nothing that can be done to "improve" relations.


There have been examples in real life of people who have been so racist it literally drove them insane and to commit horrible, violent acts. The kid at the South Carolina church for example.

I'm trying to go for an engaging, funny youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance. A review of the movie here-


Ok. So true racists are probably insane pycsychopaths. I would much prefer holding off on the term for people who are truly hateful, then to slap the term on someone like me because I can openly admit thst I see "race".

I run a sports business and have 20 student employees. My 2 best employees are both black. The other 18 are white and tgeir work ethic is nowhere near as good as my two favourites. As a result I give them free reign of how many hours they want and what time slots.
Does this make me racist because i know they are black? Imo no way.


No, everybody still sees race, you can't avoid it. This film is satirizing people who just can't seem to see that there are other things, in addition to race, that make up a person. The comparisons to Jesse Owens and questions about sports prowess are all just meant to be cliches white people and society have put on black people, especially black men, and is really the new form of putting them in boxes.
