MovieChat Forums > Get Out (2017) Discussion > Most satisfying kill...

Most satisfying kill...

That weird, slimy, annoying brother. Bash to the head! Freak!


Obviously *spoilers* ; the girlfriend! Oh my, getting shot in the stomach may not be that gory but it's supposed to be one of the most painful ways to die, stomach acid and all that. Well deserved! Such an amazing performance by the actress. I didn't think she had the chops based on her character from Girls but given the platform, she did an amazing job!


I think she might survive and there be a sequel. She could pull a Michael Myers


Ugh, I hope they're above that with this one. Leave well enough alone


Without her surgeon dad and hypnotist mom I don't think she could get another zombie ring going. She could catch them, but not transform them.
But a great idea for a sequel would be if she could transplant her brain into a really sexy black woman.
Like someone else in that cult comes and rescues her just as she is dying and removes her brain just in time.
Years later. Chris can finally trust again and falls in love , only to find out... DUM DUM DUUUMMM
It's really Rose again!


Haha OK, you've sold me!


Seriously? ☺️


Silly white kids love fapping to black women. Too bad any white kid that finds black women sexy is too terrified to ever leave their nice safe all white liberal gated community.


Weird! I think i'm going to sit this one out-lol! This thread reads hilariously for someone who never saw the movie:D


The brother also.


Definitely the brother. He was really creepy! It was very satisfying when he got his head bashed in.




You're so violent:D.


I'm not.... I'm a big pussy cat. 😺 But I do like violent movies!


I loved Hard candy but i thought she should have completed the surgery-i would have;) .




Oh, man! That's a great movie...


I know i love it!!!!




The first was my favorite (the brother)...although he didnt actually die first but I thought he was dead. So I guess I'll go with the 2nd kill which was the father. Though the mother kill was also awesome...hmm hard to pick.


The deer antler kill was the best one in my opinion.


I'll say the Allison Williams character because she was the most deceitful and started this whole thing in the first place.

I'm trying to go for an engaging, funny youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance. A review of the movie here-


I'm not sure about that because being what she seems to be she seemed I bit cowardly with being an antagonist not having it in her to want to kill Chris face to face because of whatever superficial feelings she had for him and with that didn't put a fight with the gun letting Walter have the gun.
she should have been killed in a different matter and in my fan fiction she does with this twin sister I made up killing her out of ether assisted suicide with rose somehow getting some humanity or the made up sister kills her because she caught her doing something.I'm not sure if anyone else can think of a way she could get killed without her seeming like a weak antagonist


The father! Wasn't he glad they had run over a deer...where there was the deer's vengeance. lol
