MovieChat Forums > Charlie's Angels (2019) Discussion > How PC and feminist will this be?

How PC and feminist will this be?

Is Hollywood too scared of the bullying Social Justice lesbians to write decent scripts?


it will be a major flop anyways and everyone will forget about it 2 weeks later,...



Well basically the first line in the trailer is "I think a woman can do anything", with the reply "Just because they can doesn't mean they should". Damn the patriachy lol.

Anyway it could be nothing but in today's climate i'll be very surprised if this film isn't littered with some form of feminist agenda and when it tanks and it will tank it will be blamed once again on sexist white men.


White men aren't the target audience.


"White men aren't the target audience", do you know the director and production staff personally, then how could you possibly know who the target audience is, if their is infact a target audience which i highly doubt. Movies are made to make money, to make a movie that potentially half your audience wont see is financial suicide.

Movies are targeted towards everyone of all colours, creeds and sex, remember they are in fact entertainment, anybody can enjoy any movie of any kind no matter the subject matter or who stars in it.


I think I'm gonna go and rewatch 'Der ewige Jude' now!


Anything progressive leaning is against white men. They have made this perfectly clear, what rock have you been under?


Hmmmm.... there is such a thing a target audience. Barbie the movie is clearly not aimed at adult men, just like The Expendables isn't aimed at teenage girls who like romantic comedies. Just because some people from any group would want to see them, doesn't mean that studios count on them to make profit.


Look at the cast. Full of beautiful women in tight fitting and/or scanty clothes. Men are part of the target.


That's your idea of beauty?

Ok. To each their own, I guess.


I just threw up in my mouth.

Beauty is in the eyes of the beer holder, I guess.


Well Elizabeth Banks is directing and she is a Radical Liberal so yeah its gonna bomb


Are people shocked that Charlie's Angels is female led?

Who do we Charlie's Angels to be? Jason Statham or Liam Neeson and Vin Diesel? ... haha


Actually it would be quite funny.

Statham, Diesel and the Rock in a Charlie's Angels gay remake. :D


With a special guest appearance of Ellen Page as Charlie!




That would be a more entertaining reboot than, say, 2016 Ghostbusters.


Wasn't the show always a feminist show? The original came during Women's Lib. The movies were also pretty feminist. This is nothing new.


Yes but No.

It's not the way feminism works these days.

Today pretty or sexy girls are not allowed anymore. Male characters have to be stupid, evil, or both stupid and evil.

Female characters have to be Mary-Sues, and even when everything is just fine, they are still blaming men for no good reason.

Plenty of clichés, no subtlety at all, and the best way to turn entertainment into something boring as hell.

Let's hope it won't be as bad as Captain Marvel.


True but they were fun as well and the women were good looking. Up until now.


Going by how ordinary the "Angels" are it will be full of Female empowerment and SJW crap and it will most likely bomb.


And Lo, it came to pass.
