So quiet in here

Jeez it’s hard to chat about good stuff like this show, it’s where imdb was good, unless you wan argue about the last Jedi or Donald trump posts it’s dead everywhere I wanna chat

And I don’t like using social media because spoilers are everywhere


Am watching. Just finished episode 8.

Good season in general, but people in the family are keeping too many secrets from each other, and for not enough reason. Hurts the believability.


Finished season 2.

I had guessed the two main twists long ago, so the ending was not that much of a surprise.

There was something that the Pete Murphy character should have revealed to his grandmother in the last episode and the fact that he didn't is very unbelievable.

The writers need to work harder IMO.


I really liked Season 1, and Season 2 was a disappointment. It was a disappointment because it was way to many sub-plots involving deception, and it just became complicated and convoluted. And if you took a couple of weeks between episodes, it became extremely confusing to pick up again. I'm hoping they learn from the mistakes they made in Season 2, and that Season 3 will be an improvement.


Yeah, I suppose that's possible. They probably figure most people binge-watch these days.


" wan argue about the last Jedi or Donald trump "
aint that the truth!

I guess you just have to "play the long game" as Pete would say ,someone will reply in a few months - so start a few chats :)


it is sad is what it is
