He must not have been involved in the casting for A Few Good Men, otherwise Rick Moranis would have been cast as Col. Jessup! He fits the character about as well as Fassbender was born to play Steve Jobs!
It's probably from Eyes Wide Shut onward. She just makes very pretentious "look at me" type films. Films that try way too hard to be controversial in some way rather than actually entertaining which is all a film needs to be. I find Russell Crowe to be much the same.
I tried watching Being the Ricardo's I didn't last more than 5 minutes. It just has that pretentious tone agin too it and no matter how much I wanted to see a film about Lucille Ball I just couldn't get into. That isn't all Kidman, it is the director as well but she also likes to work with pretentious people. Dogville, ahem... blurgh!
Looking at her post-Eyes Wide Shut filmography I realize that there are a ton of films she's made that I haven't seen, and many I've never even heard of.
I did enjoy The Others quite a bit, and Cold Mountain is very good and underrated. Nine wasn't bad, and I liked Aquaman, but you wouldn't call either a "Nicole Kidman movie."
I guess I'd need to explore more of her films to have an opinion beyond what I've stated.
I liked The Others too but it wasn't because of her. It was just "normal" film. Cold Mountain was ok. Haven't seen or heard of Nine. I guess that is the thing when she makes a film that wouldn't be considered a "Nicole Kidman film" she can be ok if more to the point the film can be ok.
She was a decent actress in the 90s. Starting in the 2000s, she really started to jump the shark, and developed this weird annoying habit of whispering all her lines in scenes that don't require whispering at all.