as if movie studios are gonna throw away the likes of Bad Boys 4 and whatever else WS had lined up over a powerful SLAP to Chris Rocks noggin!
no way.
studios. like to earn MONEY.
and Will Smith has a pretty good record of bringing the cheddar (esp the last Bad Boys). i think i read I Am Legend 2 is back on as well (Will Smith starring bc they gonna go with the alternate ending where his character lived, that wasnt shown in theatres only on the dvd lol), after those wouldnt be surprised to see him return to MiB (part 5), Suicide Squad 3, and even Independance Day 3 (ok his character was supposed to have been killed ,, but did we see that? nope!)
The entirety of those in attendance gave Smith a standing ovation, minutes after he assaulted Rock, so yea, I think it’s safe to say no one (who mattered) took it seriously.
Yes there was fallout, and that’s to be expected, but if he had assaulted Kimmel he would have been thrown in prison.
Not that it matters, but for the record, I wish it had been Kimmel instead of Rock, I loath that POS.
And no I will not be watching Bad Boys 4, Will Smith is a bully and a simp, and a coward, he’s nothing but an empty shell who’ve I’ve lost all interest in.
Depends on who you think "matters." The hollywood elite, or the paying public?
Also: I get that you don't want to support people you loathe (because of their character/personal lives), but do you Really take that to its logical conclusion? Do you avoid all Apple products? Refuse to eat chicken in supermarkets and restaurants? Opt out of diamonds for loved ones?
Have you boycotted Gangs of New York, Shakespeare in Love, Reservoir Dogs, True Romance, Pulp Fiction, Good Will Hunting, Lord of the Rings, etc, etc, etc???
You’re absolutely right of course, and I guess that’s part of being human, we get to pick and choose.
That being said, when it comes to the things I choose to avoid it’s going to be subjective to me, in relation to the reason why. For example, I can research conflict free diamonds, or maybe my partner simply finds a diamond ring to be a foolish investment when it comes to our relationship…, and why would I boycott all those movies, was Harvey Weinstein attached to all of them, if so, I get your point, but when I watch those films Harvey isn’t at the forefront of my thought process during the viewing, that being said, anything Will Smith is in will inadvertently have the opposite effect, in that his performance will be diminished by my opinion of him, and in turn I will not enjoy the film.
Nobody can tell you your feelings are wrong. . .so I hope you don't take that away from what I'm saying. BUT: when you say "people who matter," it's easy to forget that that's you, me, and everyone else that buys a product. Please Believe: if we collectively decide to exercise our ultimate veto, then conflict diamonds aren't mined, iPads aren't ubiquitous, Weinstein movies (yes, those are all his) don't get made, and Will Smith is forced to retire.
SO: the only question (really) is where you draw your personal line in the sand. And there's ALWAYS going to be some justification/mental gymnastics involved. I'm typing this on a Macbook; I'm *well aware* of the company's human rights abuses. I wouldn't watch a Weinstein movie if one were released, but I'll probably go see the next Bad Boys flick.
Shrug. These are all personal decisions, to a greater or lesser sense justifiable. I'm just pointing out the fact that these choices are often uninformed/unexamined.
It really is a shame what has happened to Will. It's a combination of hubris, a poor choice in a mate, and I think a bit also of just growing stale. If he had played his cards differently and made better choices he could probably have had a later career in the same vein of Tom Cruise but instead he's just a washed up guy with personal problems who once was a star.