Movie Length

Wow, is this really 2 hours 40 minutes?


No. I clocked it at 2 hours 10 minutes without credits. But there was over 25 minutes of previews. I think the runtime found online factors that in.


Ah kk, good to know! Previews getting out of hand these days, just another reason I stick to the Home Theatre 90% more than I used to.


At one time it was going to be 2 hours and 40 minutes but I think the studio made director F. Gary Gray cut it down to 2:10.

I'm trying to go for an engaging, funny youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance. A review of the movie here


I think it was originally 2 hours 40 minutes and cut down. I noticed a few things in the trailer that weren't in the movie. Plus that opening mission where they steal the EMP device and Dom turns seemed off and like something was missing. I spent 5 minutes trying to figure out if there was a glitch in the movie or I got up and went to the bathroom and didn't know. Even the dialogue seemed like he was carrying on from stuff that happened to before they were escaping with the EMP device. So maybe the actual mission was cut. But I'm thinking it was never filmed and meant to be like that. But I would've liked to see what Dom was like during the mission and seeing him trying to get himself to turn on his team. It seemed too rushed and too easy for him to turn, especially with him going on and on about how important family was to him. And I'm pretty sure he didn't know about Elena and his son yet. I think he finally learned when the audience learned what Cipher had on him. As for the phone she gave him, maybe she was just showing him pics that she had been secretly following him throughout the few previous movies. Even his reaction when the audience finally learned the reason, it seemed like he was learning also. So something was up and seemed off with the movie.


Yes thats exactly what i want because if you watch the trailer and the wrecking ball feature you will see a lot of fottage that wasn't in the actual movie like there's a BTS footage when the Hobbs get out from his Defender and the german cops arrest him also if watch the first trailer the moment when dom escape to Ciphers plane its was a daylight but in the movie its was night..
Also a lot of NYC stuff that was in trailers but wasn't in the movie..
Also when Dom and Cipher attack mr Nobody office there is a scene from the second trailer when they are attack a soldiers and set up the bombs that also deleted...
So i think that the EC is important...


There must be an Extended edition also a lot of Ice scenes deleted also what piss me of is there is a Cars but no Focus in it like NYC chase when they chase dom we barely saw the cars and that piss me of...
