I'd like to see Fast and the Furious in the future, where we get to see flying cars.
I'm trying to go for an engaging, funny youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance. A review of the movie here-https://youtu.be/4xfnsgokSQk
They need to explore the earth more before moving to space. FF in Space is for FF10.
FF9 should be on a volcano so the cars have to jump from rock to rock, like it's the floor is lava game, but with real lava. Not real real, of course, but real CGI mind you.
Cars vs tank has been done. Cars vs plane also. Cars vs submarine, checked. So they need cars vs giant mining machine vehicles! You know, the ones as big as buildings. The real thing moves really slow though, like.. I don't know, about 1mph? So they need some creative license here and put NoS on those engines.
Need a Fast 9 that takes place in the tunnels below the United States, you know the ones that connected the closed Wal-Marts during the "plumbing" fixing during Jade Helm.