MovieChat Forums > Chi-Raq (2016) Discussion > Spike Lee, a Brooklyn resident knows 0 a...

Spike Lee, a Brooklyn resident knows 0 about Chiraq culture.

Wtf this is nothing like the *beep* thats been going on in Chiraq

Them boys dont give a *beep* about women... Spike Lee must didn't even take the time to atleast start with the BASICS of Chiraq. Chief Keef, Reesey, Fredo, Rondo, Durk, so many savages who popularized the Chiraq term and its gang culture.. Them savages dont give a *beep* about feminism. What the *beep* is he trying to do?

A hoe try to trifle with a savage in chiraq spewing all that "this body is a temple, put down the guns or no pussy baby" she'll get her ass beat or worse. To somehow say women control the situation in Chiraq is *beep* retarded. No they don't, the chiraq gang culture is *beep* SAVAGERY.

Like honestly, this is what hollywood does. they spend a day in the only nice part of chicago, say "okay dis savage wow" and make a *beep* movie about it. No research is actually going into what the culture is even remotely about. *beep* Spike Lee.

Chicago takes a loss for letting an NY dude come in and make a movie about their violent culture.


How do we quantify racism? Cabrini Green was torn down. That didn't work.
I guess that Chi-Raq is an entertaining piece of art with absolutely no solution.
Spike addresses the problem, but does not deliver a way to fix it.
Yeah, get Cuzak as Flager...a Chicago white guy who has no experience
in the real world of Chicago racism from a black person's perspective.
It all seems so forced.
Spike is great at making the race point, but has never presented
a solution.
I think Spike's work is important, but he has staked his films upon
the problem...that is valid. But Spike, please tell us how to fix it.



Seriously? Have you even seen the movie? Until you have, then you can't have an opinion about it.


What's Lee's message on the movie poster? Getting rid of guns will put us at peace? A gun is a tool. I can kill someone with a screwdriver or a hammer. The debate is idiotic. How about giving people something better to do with more incentive than making money tax free on the streets? I mean gee, wonder why that has appeal? Every day being robbed by your overseer will cause people to do what they need to survive. The system itself is as much to blame as anyone individually. Spike Lee loves cashing in on BEEF. *beep* moron.


This thread blew up

Anyways, movie was some HOT garbage, saw it out of some sick sadistic urge I can't explain. It's like Spike Lee was trying to make a Straight-to-trashcan classic.


What's Lee's message on the movie poster?

Directors don't make posters, you moron.

I can kill someone with a screwdriver or a hammer.

Yeah. But you can't kill a kid playing in the street by accident or 12 people in a matter of minutes with a hammer or a screwdriver. Don't be an *beep* and resort to clichés. Try to understand the big picture

I'm a gun owner. My guns are locked in a safe with trigger locks.
I grew up around guns. My father was in the military and I was taught how to safely handle a gun before I was 10. I have been competing at various distances with various guns for years. And you know what? I still understand the need for gun control so why can't you?

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


I'm sure it's hard to watch a film named after a city you have loved & lived, and see it misrepresented; not quite as bad as the Aaliyah movie, but I get it.
However, the film Chi-raq took on the very ambitious project of creating a much-needed forum for addressing all the gun-related deaths in your city (& other cities) & discussing possible solutions.
It wasn't about accuracy; it was about issues that happen to be huge in Chicago currently.
Things needed to be said and heard.
I hope when someone makes a documentary it covers the realities you've experienced (this will happen soon), but Chi-raq was an art piece.
And it was pretty cool.

check out this article, and you'll understand why this brilliant film was fit into the Chicago setting:


I don't know where to start in spelling the female lead character's name so I'll just call her L. I did think L seemed like she had too good of a head on her shoulders to be dating a Chiraq gangster. The females are usually just as ratchet as the idiots they date and have kids with.

Good girls go to heaven, all the bad bitches come with me



Black females with good heads on their shoulders, a college degree, and a good paying job/career attempting to live vicariously through the lives of low quality men. The character, "Lysistrata", was one of the mayor's secretary.

This subject matter is not rare with young Black women, which is why Spike Lee pointed it out. They feel they have what it takes to change these types of men, but ironically they have little to no direction of their own lives.

Nothing more than a case of "good' girls having the stupid need to embrace the mindless lifestyle of the "bad" girl.


Just throwing it out there: that's not really a "Black women"-specific thing. Many women fall victim to wanting to fix a disaster; many men want to be the savior for a messed-up woman as well. I wonder if it's human nature to want to find our value in the restoration of another human being (at least, the recreation of them in our own idealized image), or if it's something society has pushed upon us. Just an interesting thought.



I wonder if it's human nature to want to find our value in the restoration of another human being (at least, the recreation of them in our own idealized image), or if it's something society has pushed upon us. Just an interesting thought.

Probably both---I'm thinking it probably originated with religion to begin with. Interesting thought, though.


Wait ... you mean people don't speak in rhyming couplets and spontaneously break into song in Chicago?

The movie isn't 'about Chicago'. Looking through thread titles on this site is just depressing.


And you think this is a "Hollywood" film.

But then again, how would I know what a Hollywood film is? I'm not a Hollywood resident and therefore know nothing about it.

Never defend crap with 'It's just a movie'


Spike knows 0 about a Brooklyn too. lol

You are correct spike had a great chance here to get more from this movie, this message and he blew it.


"culture"?! sounds like a wonderful place to live, work, raise a family and enjoy a long healthy and prosperous life! get a life man. america has turned into one big dumpster. just wow ...
