"That is so true---I agree 100% with that. However, I could care less about anything Ben Carson says because he's not qualified to take office any more than trump's ignorant loudmouth a** is. I don't look to any Republicans or Democrats to be the savior of us from anything at all. The problems of black communities run far deeper than just not taking personal responsibility for things---a look at history will tell you that. I go to community meeting on the regular where the resident (mostly black) are very concerned about their neighborhoods, and their kids, and aren't sitting around waiting for anybody to do anything for them or for some magical solution to fall from the sky. Even when black folks are getting themselves together, they still have to deal with all these ever-present stereotypes that get slapped upon merely because they're black---so it dosen't even matter how together some of us are, we still experience racism regardless. And then again, black communities who do work on their problems hardly get any credit for it,anyway.
Also, too many of these posters are throwing way too much responsibility upon Lee's shoulders for dealing with this subject---even he can't provide the ultimate solution to the problem just because he made a movie about it. He's simply examining it and putting it out there for discussion. - activista » Thu Feb 4 2016 18:50:29
WTF?! Only within the convoluted air pockets with your would you understand what you just posted? It is safe to assume that reading with the intent of understanding is not or strong point? Did you lose a brain or two, or three, because what I posted went longer than 10 second sound bite and required a little bit of focus?
Please understand on thing, no person in their right mind should want to run for political office, because it's a job where actually doing your job can and will cause you to lose your job. A job where fixing a problem will help people on this side of the aisle happy, but now the people on the other side of the aisle will be upset. If one was able to find a perfect balance, both sides will be happy, but a new group of people will come out of the woodwork and demand equality for their cause and concerns.
Dr. Ben Carson and Donald Trump performed jobs of absolute, and in these jobs you are judged on your results. Carson was a pediatric neurosurgeon, and his job was to repair or at a minimum reduce the effect of neurological ailments in children and teens. He holds the title amongst his peer as being "one of the world's foremost pediatric neurosurgeons", and that is not something you earn by *beep* by the use of lip service.
The same holds true with Donald Trump, he earned his way up the ladder by buying and selling property. The name of the game is, "Buy low, sell high", money talks and *beep* walks. You tilt the table to benefit you and your back pockets even when the competition has the weight to tilt it against you.
Absolute results; no if's, no and's, no buts.
And in your eyes, what qualifications should one as proof that they may have what it takes to hold office?
I look at history and see that the grit and drive that was once the fire in the core of Blackness has been lost. And generation after generation, the adults throw water on that ingrained fire that burns in babies heart and mind, because the adults have been brainwashed to become passive zombies of to the people they believe are superior of them. Unlike you, I have done something I know you have not completed yet, and that is attempting to raise a child from birth to adulthood within the Black community. For what a proud Black man says can be done and should be done, far too many within the Black community says it can't or should not be done. And what they don't say, they show it by their actions, and those actions show once you begin to break everything down, then begin to attempt to connect dots, dot the "I's", cross the "T's", and build not only the foundation, but the structure itself.
*beep* the community, because the community is only as strong as the individual. And from their strong individuals build strong families and households. But far too many Black individual don't respect themselves, so their homes are nothing but a cocoon of disrespect, which then spills off into the community. The Black man's and Black woman's worst enemy is that person who looks back at them every time they look in the mirror. The evil is not the shadow behind them, it's the mind and the will of that object that bears their name which casts that shadow.
You show me a Black community which has it together, and I'll pull back the curtains and show you all the White supporter who where the circus trainers of the three ring show. So who really deserves the credit?
Lastly, here is a little food for thought.
Barack Hussain Obama, the first Black President of the United States.
- Born to a White mother and a Black father, but Black father jetted off and continued his life elsewhere. (Let's remember Obama Sr. did the same to his other children)
- White Mother raised Barack in a White household on the island of Hawaii. (Mother, grandmother, and grandfather were all White)
- White mother marries an Indonesian man, then moves to Indonesia, where Barak lives for several years of his youth.
- White mother returns to Hawaii for Barack, now 8 years old, to be raised by his White grandparents.
- Barack is raised in a White household from the age of 8 till 18, attends a school on the island of Hawaii which has a student body which is 95% White.
- After graduation Barack heads to the Continental United States and continues to live a life outside of Black America. The only time he has anything to do with Black America is to (1) find a Black wife who could help him show that he has an attachment to his "Blackness" (remember he dated White women before he dated Michelle), and to use them to advance the advocacy agency he worked for, the law firm that employed him, and later his state and federal political aspirations.
Let that simmer in your brain for a little bit, before you comment back on the subject.