WHY Mulan is a bad movie
Quite a good analysis about why Mulan is a bad movie
Mulan: The Ultimate Mary Sue
In a nutshell: they have told the story of Mulan as it was a Marvel superhero movie... which screws the whole story. Mulan is not self-sacrificing herself for her father anymore, she happens to be a fucking superhero that wanted to be a superhero-warrior and can fulfill her dream using her father's place. She's not struggling anymore since she's the fucking superhero from the very beginning, screw the character's arc. There's no team story anymore, since the whole army squad become powerless spectators in Mulan's superhero battles whose only function is to clap and praise at the end.
The story of Mulan just doesn't work as a superhero story. But it seems that nobody was able to realize that in Disney before spending $300 millions. Or perhaps they realized it, but nobody dared to point it out, since that would be heresy against the holy female empowerment commandments and pointing out the problems in the movie could have meant being fired.