looks terrible

2020 hasn't been good for movies at all


Is there going to be a sidekick CGI dragon? Ugh, I hope not.


No mushu or Shang. Supposedly this isn't really a remake. More like the based on the real story and the real story didn't include Mushu or Shang.


a real story that includes witches and a phoenix? hmmmm, yeah, so much real


I didn't watch it and don't plan on ever watching! They lost me when they removed Mushu and Shang


For movies, huh? Yep, that’s all 2020 has been unkind to.

Well the myriad of delayed 2020 movies aside, hopefully things will improve for 2020 in a more significant matter if/once that golden shower-loving oaf that is the bunker boy don the con gets defeated this upcoming November. As is in bunker boy’s totalitarian nature though, the dictator-wannabe (former Epstein buddy) is trying his hardest to steal the election in true reich wing fashion by making a so-called democracy less of a... well... democracy. But you, along with many other tyranny and idiocracy-loving reich wingers that love watching the world get more delusional, dumber and burn down, pray to a nonexistent entity that the Putin-owned maniac manbaby wins? Well obviously legit fake news-spreading fascist chuds gonna fascism.

Science and reason help humanity... hopefully basic human decency, sanity and intelligence will prevail over the unhinged, conspiratorial, and all around evil white supremacist-beloved bunker boy and his party.

And the film looks awesome indeed, boomer.... reactionary boomer Ken. Now go back and cry about “radical” Kamala (oh you will) like many of the edgy and hardcore (really fragile and weak AF), deplorable, racist reich wing propagandists have been doing nonstop for the last two days. I see “neo”-fascist bunker boy and his chuds are unschockingly, ludicrously pushing the BIRTHERISM nonsense yet again with a non-white person who’s running for office — but the weasel that is mango mussolini and his maga cultists definitely ain’t racist, aye? (And if only these were the hoax-spreading chuds’ biggest issues.) Bish bye


What must it be like.
