I've just finished the latest episode's of Arrow, Flash and Supergirl. From my understanding LOG season 1 does not crossover and not sure if it's worth watching due to the general poor reviews/ratings.
Without spoilers, can anyone convince me that I should watch LOG?
Thanks all for your feedback, just an update to say I am currently watching LoT and finding it fine (7/10) and I like the links to Arrowverse. Nothing special in my opinion when comparing it to cinematic experience of Jessica Jones (I'm a DC fan) but I appreciate they are completely different shows. The bottom line is that one of the shows has me hooked.
Just to mention Smallville was awesome, I loved the earlier seasons which explained so much about the Superman universe and wider DC characters, especially how they would make subtle references
That's really the perfect answer. Spongebob has better writing. I swear, the only writing more painful then this was crappy 80's sitcoms... and those sometimes had better writing.
Heck, I could write better then these writes. This show has me so riled up. Basically, anyone who's not a complete retard could write better then whatever writers they picked up from the intern pool at the local meth rehab center.
You've probably started it by now, but in my opinion it is really pretty bad. Still haven't finished season 1 because it's such a slog per episode (and there is so much other good TV out there at the mo). It's a stupid premise, really badly written, in both terms of dialogue, and in terms of plot: 'How does that make sense?' 'Coz...time travel', an unconvincing villain that they should have defeated by episode 2, and a bunch of characters who were far better in the shows they spun out of (Arrow or Flash), and who are being written into awfulness. The only redeeming features are that the special effects are good, and there's the odd moment of humour. The only reason I'm still watching is because there are bound to be further Arrow/Flash crossovers at some point and I want to be in the loop and for it all to make sense. I admit that I loved Arrow when it started due to its Nolan-esque groundedness, and I was a bit annoyed that the process of spinning off The Flash ruined that by introduced super-powers, but at least the consolation is that The Flash is an enjoyable show. This makes it even more far fetched, by introducing time travel, and I can't find any consolation at all.
It will have Cross-Over with Arrow and Flash. Any characters like Laurel Lance and her dad will appearing in LoT, also Malcolm Merlyn. Also Damien Darhk (Neal McDonough) from Arrow will have a cross-over with "Flash" and LoT. So yes... Keep watching.
I also thought when I watched the Pilot of FLASH for the first I wouldn't like it. But I was wrong... it's going to be better.