Yes, AT LEAST 30% of Cowboys were Black. There is debate regarding the origin in the application of the name "cowboy"-some historians attribute its origins to boys first employed to wrangle the cattle, while a second theory surmises "boy" was the pejorative term for African-American which was transported towards cattle wranglers.
European history is beyond my scope of expertise:my area of concentration is in the Middle East and North African (MENA) region (first M.A. in Middle East Studies and my second M.A. is in Political Science-International Relations: Middle East Politics).
Among my years of professional/academic and personal research I have encountered numerous sources proclaiming that international trade between Northern Europe and various North and West African empires and civilizations was a norm.
Remember, Rome had invaded and colonized much of North Africa and even conscripted Moors as soldiers who fought in France, Switzerland, England, among other nations. And of course, everyone is familiar with the eventual Moorish invasion of Spain (Al Andulus) and other European countries and the enormous scientific, artistic, architectural, etc. contributions made to Europe by the Moor-bringing out of the Dark Ages and eventually to the Enlightenment.
Because this was pre-Araization and the gradual conversion to Islam (99% of societies that were eventually absorbed into various "Islamic" Empires followed the paradigm: initially retaining their religious autonomy, then embraced Arabization by adopting the Arab culture and language, and over the course of many generations would convert to Islam). Hence, being these events precluded the Arab conquest, the Moors were Black.
"Golden Age of the Moor": edited by Dr. Juan Van Sertima states, "The original Black Berbers, who were called Moors, were the North African ancestors of the present day dark-brown and brown-black peoples of the Sahara and the Sahel, mainly those called Fulani, Taureg, Zenegha, of Southern Morocco, Junta, and Tubba of the Saudi countries as well as other Black Arabs now living in Maurtania and throughout the Saudi. They included the Trarza of Mauretania and Senegal, the Mogharba as well as dozens of other Sudanese tribes, the Chaamba of Chad and Algeria."
Van Sertima also mentions, "Black Saracens" who fought and defeated Vikings.
It isn't surprising if you are unfamiliar with the African presence in Nordic Europe as only recently is African history becoming liberated from Western racism. No where is this racism more prevalent than in the United States, where Ancient Egyptians continue to predominantly be represented in the media by Caucasian actors.
I lived in Egypt for several years and Hollywood's persistence to have Whites portray Ancient Egyptians is a "hot-button"/ controversial issue there. I also have Egyptian and Egyptian-American friends whom have started numerous petition drives demanding Hollywood depict Ancient Egyptians more accurately; either using "people of medium to dark skinned complexion-ranging in appearance of biracial to Black Americans."