MovieChat Forums > Ghostbusters: Afterlife (2021) Discussion > The extreme split between critic and aud...

The extreme split between critic and audience ratings

Metascore: 47 from 40 critics:
Rotting Tomatoes: all 6.0, top 4.9 (averages)

Audience is much higher! MC 7.9, RT 9.3/10, Imdb 7.8. Imdb is tamper proof now.

Same thing happens with most CBMs and sci-fi, but ratings are closer. I'd like to see how the 8 who gave negative reviews on MC rated Ghostbusters (2016). If they rated it high they must be woke.


imdb is not tamper proof , many cbm's end up in top 250 too early


Rating will settle down by 25k votes. No way anyone can create a thousand accounts, which would be ignored anyway.


Just imagine critics as these mean, soulless androids with blank faces and gray skin who are cranked out of a factory in Hollywood, and they are programmed to review a movie in whatever way the Powers That Be program them to review a film. Whereas the audience is full of real people who see the movie for what it is, rather than what Hollyweird wants them to see it as.


You're not wrong. I would advise anyone who likes watching movies never to be a film critic. Don't turn your hobby into your job.

When you work as a critic you HAVE to watch movies because you are paid to, its a job. Does not matter is its not your preferred subject or no longer have a choice. It's an obligation, and you also have deadlines.


Suddenly those Dirty Jobs on that reality show don't seem so terrible by comparison.


They are under your bed.


My bed's booby-trapped against critics. Nice try, though.


The critics that shit on it almost universally have the same complaint, that the movie is too much like the originals. What they don't understand is, that's exactly why the fans love it.


Critics are just taking the opportunity to shit on this in retaliation for audiences rightfully tanking the score of the 2016 shitfest.


This has been going on for years now. There are certainly losers who down or upvote movies for various reasons, but honestly sometimes people simply like things critics don;t; or vice versa.


youll find those are the critics that liked the 2016 version.
