I find the attitude of Miley Cyrus, the singer abhorrent. On the other hand I'm very pleased with Miley Cyrus the actress.
I got to see Crisis in Six Scenes, and got to understand why Allen chose her for the role. The point of importance here is that Allen doesn't go through casting directors, he chooses the people he wants to be in his movies, and for long decades, he has always chosen actors who put something on the table before they appeared in his movie. He was one of the first to cast Natalie Portman after Leon the Professional, and before she became a big star. The same with ScarJo, Andrew Rhys Davies, Jesse Eisenberg.
Stewart was an indie darling before Twilight (which I'll never watch) and after, so from a perspective of method she can act, even if you don't like it.
I live in the Gordius Apartment Complex, my interior designer was M.C. Escher.