God I hated Franco's character
Il admit there is some personal bias in this one. While I definitely have conservative sensibilities, I'm no prude. I enjoy a good raunchy comedy every now and then if its all in good fun. But there is something about seeing some guy show zero respect for his perspective fiancé's parents or the clearly conservative morals that they hold (their teenage son isn't even allowed to swear or watch rated R movies) and tried to pass along to their daughter that just hit a nerve for me.
It would have been fine if they had poked more fun at the millennial BS of it all. And if maybe there was a watershed moment for Franco's character where he realizes he has some serious maturing to do. But instead most of the comedy comes from her father raising legitimate concerns over this man's alarmingly amoral behavior and the effect it is having on his daughter (and subsequently the rest of his family), and for it he is portrayed as over the top and controlling; with the boyfriend never once corrected on his character. But all of his past actions become irrelevant in the end because he demonstrates some very basic human decency that for some reason negates the fact that he is a man that thinks its acceptable to display cartoon pornography in every room of the house.
It wasn't even all that funny.
Imagine "Meet the Parents", only with Ben Stiller purposely doing all of the things that accidentally happened around him. Suddenly Robert Deniro isn't so unreasonable.