MovieChat Forums > Gran Turismo (2023) Discussion > Saw a screening last night. It's not goo...

Saw a screening last night. It's not good

It's pretty bad actually. It really goes back to the critcism you'd hear of movies/tv shows being made for the purpose of just being a long commercial. I get this is based on an actual story (they show photos during the credits), but it's told as the most cliche and generic sports drama you could imagine. Lead actor had little range and the characters didn't have much depth to them. David Harbour was the only saving grace here. Even the racing scenes were really uninspired. Recommend skipping this one in theaters. Even if you're a fan of the games there isn't much here besides the most generic racing movie you could imagine.



Why does it feel pretentious?


When did I say that?


I never said you said it.
I was asking a question to you?

Does this movie come off as pretentious?




How does it compare to movie Need For Speed?

They're both racing game turn to movie.


Need for Speed was better. I'd give that one a 6/10


This did seem like a weird approach to the material. I guess maybe they were hoping for an awards contender or something.


A weird approach in what way?


Good to know. Too bad that Blomkamp didn't get to make his "Alien"


Watching movies for yourself can be a useful practice. I saw the film today and enjoyed it well enough.


You're a harsh critic. The film is no Rush or Ford v Ferrari, and there are some script mistakes that are made, but I thought it was still a fairly good racing movie. I'd give it a 6.5/10.


It's only 46 on metacritic, based on 43 movie critics. That is too low for me.
Metacritic is a good indicator IMHO because it aggregates critics of very diverse view.


Last I looked the audience score on RT was 98%. And it appears that the IMDB score right now is 7.3. Sometimes you just have to tell the stuffy ol' critics to go fuck themselves.

Not that I'm saying it's a great movie. But it is at least an OK movie. I would probably say it is actually "fairly good."


I'll stick to people who write for a living. Not because I always agree with them but at least I can compare with their earlier recommendations. But in this case an average below 50 is indication enough.
I mistrust user ratings because the are so easily manipulated.


And people who write for a living are manipulated too, by checkbooks.


Seems like the mission to make you mistrust everything succeeded. And now you are on your own!


I really liked the action set pieces and David Harbour did nice work with it too.

If anyone's interested, I reviewed the movie on my youtube channel. Appreciate any feedback. Trying to improve -


Are there any real racing scenes or is it all CGI?


Most of the racing scenes/shots were real but there were a few CGI shots. There was a really bad one during the Dubai Autodrome crash scene with the gold Lamborghini. Also think they recreated the Mulsanne straight in CGI in some parts, mostly because they weren't able to film at Le Mans outside of a number of shots.

Also it really took me out of the movie to see the Hungaroring dressed up as Le Mans. Sorry but even "LE MANS" plastered on the final corner doesn't make it Le Mans when the layout is completely different. I do wonder if it was laziness, budget cutting or truly just not practical to film there. But it definitely felt silly to hype up Le Mans so much and then resort to trickery instead of actually shooting there, outside of a handful of shots.

Other than that, obviously the car transforming to/from a gaming chair/wheel scenes were CGL but for the most part I think the movie did pretty well in actually filming racing scenes for real.


This movie was awesome! I'm not sure what you watched.
