MovieChat Forums > Quantico (2015) Discussion > What bothers you the most about this sho...

What bothers you the most about this show?

What gets on your nerves the most?

To me:

- Make up. So we have smart people who also need to go through a lot of physical challenges and exercises to be a great 'agent' and then you have every girl looking like she just came to compete on America's next top model, full up make up all the freaking day. It's a small thing, but I'm still really bothered with that.

- Random stories, like Shelby sleeping with Caleb's father. Like wth? It's so stupid.

- Poorly developed characters, every problem they put up with these characters they just make it high schoolish. It's just so hard to take it seriously.

- Dialogue is terrible, again Gossip girl kind of thing.

- The expected unexpected twists. You know like when you watch a movies and it's been done that way for about 237856278 times and you just know the ending already? Same thing here. People that show nice side are actually not nice, people that are badass in the beginning show a soft side and so on...

I could literally go on till tomorrow. There is so many plot holes that I can't even count.

This show had potential to be something really good, if they just put a little bit more thinking in it.
I like the cast, probably the only good thing about the show, acting is more than decent but the storylines are just so lame.

Nothing against people liking it, I'm just putting it out there.


Well the dialogue may be like Gossip Girl because the EP also worked on that show.


Trying to make Israel look as bad as Hamas. It's pure b.s. and only proves how far left the media have become.


Israel IS worse than Hamas! diversify your news sources and use your common sense, who builds settlements on a daily basis on occupied land? who has military power and controls the borders? read up about the daily life of palestinians in the gaza strip. Hamsa are a bunch of idiots but it's the only thing standing in israel's face


Why on earth would you support a terrorist group that does not respect individual freedom or minority rights against the only democracy in the Middle East?


A plug for the DNC, the term "white privilege, making the Muslims look so good, whiny grown men. This show sucks.


Dialogues in Gossip Girl were much better and fit the show. Quantico is beyond crap in terms of writing and delivery.
Things I also find laughable: the compulsory and unnecessary "bare chest guy" scene in every episode, the poor quality of the training, the total lack of respect for the hierarchy, supervisors that can't help having personal relationships with students and who manage those relati like kids in 6th grade.


There is no such thing as a "hate crime". It's a nonsensical liberal term. Crime is crime.


Since the term hate crime has a legal definition and qualifies as an upcharge to another crime you are simply from a legal stand point. wrong.

You may not like that the law exists, but it does.

And our entire justice system is built in a way that does not simply tag "crime is crime". It's built to recognize different types of crimes and therefore different punishments.

Should all thieves be punished to the same degree as a murderer even if they only stole a loaf of bread to eat?

Hate crime is specifically used to define when a crime is not just a normal criminal act, but also motivated by targeting someone for specific bigoted reasons.

If you can not understand why these crimes are considered worse, then you do not understand the basic break down of our punishment system.

It's for the same reason that a crime of passion is not punished at the same degree as a preplanned murder.

Understanding motivation is a major factor in determining punishment.

This has nothing to do with being liberal and everything to do with being a rational human being.

I'm personally quite conservitive and don't agree with hardly anything the liberals say. And yet I have no problem agreeing that certain types of motivations to commit crimes are worse than others and therefore deserve longer punishments. That's the purpose of hate crime laws.

A liberal view would be claiming that motivation is meaningless and all criminals should get the same punishment without any thought given to why they were being punished in the first place

Quite frankly it's you that sounds like the liberal and you just don't actually understand what you are saying.


Well said. Except that used to be the liberal view, the view to treat everyone equally regardless of background, sex, or race.

Now many anarchists have hijacked the liberal term and wrongly pose as liberals. So the liberal poser view now is to never give equal treatment, but to offer higher exemption to whatever background and races are more of a minority. This is just injustice disguised as justice.


Priyanka hairdo is the most important aspect for her. She can be in constant training but her hair is always done perfectly, pathetic for any realism. HATE crime -A law where you can hate a white person but not be charged with a hate crime. I believe this entire law originated for the Gay community only. It has been extended to other minorities, Im sure its not used often there, maybe on muslim attacks after they were blamed for 911.

Its only NOW, everything else is a memory.


Haha I noticed hair too. Not only Priyanka's but of all women. Let me tell you, after just an hour of stupid cardio kick-box which is nowhere near FBI training my (long) hair looks like it has gone through jungle and washed in the pond in the process. Not to mention make-up. Who wears make-up and false eye-lashes to train? I know it's a show and they want to make them look pretty for us but that is just laughable.


Dumb. If a white person or group of white people are victims of a crime simply because of their race, it is a hate crime. Hate crimes can happen against all different races, ethnic and religious groups, genders, etc.



Women have always been made to show their assets in every show all the time, so it's nice to see the men showing some skin for a change. That's nothing to complain about,lol.


It's quite a long list, but the worst part is the characters acting more like the FBI is a giant frat house or sorority along with high school drama.


Actually just about all that you mention is a problem, the way they write this
thing so totally open-ended and formulaic such that anything could happen.
By the time the story develops there is a distinct possibility that anyone could
be responsible for the bombing.

Another thing is the flash-backs-forwards-sideways-upsidedowns ... there is
to much jumping around in the plot, but that makes the video kind kind of
sizzle and interests the brain as it constantly tried to re-orient.


I also hate those flash-backs and back and forth... It's tiresome, and it's annoying. They should focus on present and use flash backs only when needed.


What gets on your nerves the most?

Alex is over-confident. Nobody calls her out on it. She starts out by boasting how well she reads people. Yet should couldn't read the perps involved in the plot.

The female agents would never be able to wear their hair the way they do in PT or in hand-to-hand combat. It could get caught in something or used against them.

They are rewarded for show-boating but told the objective is working as a team.

At some point late in training, they seem to have very few classes and a lot of time to run their own personal stings. How is it they are allowed to come and go as they please? And all the sex they seem to be having without the staff noticing.

What bothers me most of all is the level of dialog. It sounds like teenaged girls wrote the personal exchanges.



What bothers me the most is that basically they imply the FBI are all morons apart from Alex.

She is the only one who is ever right. She is supposedly the smartest, fittest, sneakiest etc etc.

I thought it had potential, but it has become something akin to daytime soap but set within a training academy.


She's just so overdone that I wonder why she's even in training - she seems to know it all already. She's too perfect. Her relationship with Liam is too contrived, as well.

I just finished watching the ep where they go to the Richmond office and essentially all treat the resident agents like idiots, second-guessing their cases, etc. Alex totally blows a big case and gets away with tears and an apology? Yeah, that's the reason I can't read cozy mysteries any more. The total lack of respect for trained professionals with years of experience is offensive.

There's someone in my head but it's not me.


I find the entire show awful. It had the potential to be really good but it's just lame and cheesy.
