I would've also preferred it without the final twist, because... after having seen the ending and knowing what really happened, then, thinking about the entire movie in retrospect, it feels lazy that every piece of evidence that proves the hospital was evil (and that he wasn't hallucinating) can be excused simply by, "Well, he was just imagining that, too."
It reminds me of something my middle school writing teacher encouraged us to avoid - to never end your story with, "and then he/she woke up, because it was all a dream. The End." And that's kind of what this movie did, with the slight difference that the movie is actually suggesting to the audience, several times, that it is indeed a dream (or "hallucination" - same thing, in the context of a movie w/ a twist), but I'm not so sure that that excuses that plot device.
It was still entertaining to watch, but yeah, I also think the final ending made the rest of the movie somewhat of a letdown.