MovieChat Forums > Fractured (2019) Discussion > Think I would have preferred it without ...

Think I would have preferred it without the final twist *spoilers*

Anyone else? The movie got really intense in the final act and it was nice to feel that victory for Roy, but then we got to see reality and I was a bit let down. I definitely would have preferred the evil hospital.


Yeah, how many films and TV shows deal with it's all in your head reality. It's tedious and boring at this point.


Exactly! It's always "all in someone's head." That's not new or interesting. Making the hospital evil would have been good.


The final twist actually made things clearer to the acting and the mood of the workers at the hospital. The story always hinted at 2 different outcomes which I liked it. It kept interested until the end. It's a good movie in my opinion.


Oh, yes! I couldn't agree more w/you. I would have preferred the whole hospital stealing organs plot than the one they used!


Yeah but the whole movie oozed him being a bit wonky in the brain department.

shame we didn't see what he did to them after, in the last moments. ahh it was a decent go at this style of movie! 8/10 from me.


It was not a "twist". It was the story. He had a psychotic break. It was what I suspected all along.

The "Evil Hospital" would have been WAY too far-fetched. I don't care how many evil people there are out there and how good organ money is, there is NO WAY one could run an operation like that with that many people involved. It is not even remotely believable.


Good comment. I agree.


Yes. Agree. I don’t think you ever want to see kids die in movies. But it would’ve involved too much of a coverup for that to be true.

Once he saw one guy as an orderly in the morning, and a doctor in the afternoon, I knew he was hallucinating.


