MovieChat Forums > F Is for Family (2015) Discussion > Terrible animation quality?

Terrible animation quality?

Anyone else notice how bad this show looks at times? I kind of have the same problem with Bojack, although at least it has a distinct art style. I've been learning animation recently and it feels like they are just using rigging for almost everything which is a pretty lazy and ugly way of doing things.I can't in any way criticize the story as I haven't watched it all yet so this is not indicative of what my thoughts are on the show as a whole.


That's the whole point of it. Quit being a twat. It's supposed to be the 70s.


That's the whole point of it. Quit being a twat. It's supposed to be the 70s.

You think life in the 70's was low definition?

A good review of "Inside Out":


And before that life was in black and white.

Forever Royal


No, it was Standard Definition. But all OTA, so sometimes there was interference, especially if you didn't use the antenna tuner.


I'm not talking about the aesthetic,the technique they use for animating is completely modern and kinda ugly.


That's funny you say that, I actually thought the animation looked really nice. The movement is all natural looking and there's a lot of color and background to every scene, although maybe that would be more considered the art style. Anyways I don't know anything about animation but I liked it.


Ohhh...stop being a *beep* for crying out loud! It's a *beep*!ng cartoon! I swear this generation is a bunch of pu$$ies!


I don't see why having standards makes me a bitch.


I don't see why having standards makes me a bitch.

No... the fact that you are a B!tch makes you a B!tch. 

Never follow a hippie to a secondary location, Lemon.
-Jack Donaghy


Ooooooh,so you're just brain dead. Sorry for wasting your time sweety.


Good one, bro. You got me.😒

Never follow a hippie to a secondary location, Lemon.
-Jack Donaghy


I feel like both Simpsons and Family guy look better than this show.South Park loos terrible but there is a certain charm to it and they really embrace it.



As if the voice actors had done their job and gone home.

That's pretty much how voice acting for animation works. It's the job of the animators to use the proper phonemes to sync with the voice recordings.

Junebug Presents



The Simpsons used a different animation company the first two seasons. One of the higher up didn't like the animation so they got a new company.
Not to say you don't have a point but I think its more the animation company sucked.



I feel like both Simpsons and Family guy look better than this show.South Park loos terrible but there is a certain charm to it and they really embrace it.

The first episode of F is for Family looks way better than the first seasons of The Simpsons, Family Guy, and South Park combined.

A good review of "Inside Out":


I feel like both Simpsons and Family guy look better than this show.South Park loos terrible but there is a certain charm to it and they really embrace it.

That's because those guys have carte blanche with Fox and Comedy Central. This is a show in its infancy. If it gets picked up for a 2nd season... then more money will be behind it... and probably more than 6 episodes with be scheduled to be made. Do you understand how TV executives think? I'll give you a hint... $$$$$ = 😀 That is it!

PS: As Bill Burr would tell you if he was here, "GO *beep* YOURSELF!" 

Never follow a hippie to a secondary location, Lemon.
-Jack Donaghy


I think ur over reacting just a lil, don't ya agree? So he doesn't like the animation so what. You tell him to go *beep* himself because he stated an opinion. Geez settle down...and by the way go *beep* yourself u stupid *beep* a$$hole!!!


As Bill Burr would tell you if he was here, "GO *beep* YOURSELF!"

Never follow a hippie to a secondary location, Lemon.
-Jack Donaghy


U just said the exact same thing as before, is that supposed to be a comeback? Good one dip *beep*


U just said the exact same thing as before, is that supposed to be a comeback? Good one dip *beep* If Bill Burr told u to jump off a bridge I bet u would do it, wouldn't u. *beep* moron



You are forgetting when the Simpsons was on the Tracy Oldman show and the first two seasons. They got rid of the animation company and got a new one.
Family guy wasn't that polished when it first came out compared to when it had more money.


Family Guy sucks period.


Typical. You've been learning something for a short amount of time and already think you're an expert. Trust me, you know nothing.



Never follow a hippie to a secondary location, Lemon.
-Jack Donaghy


I never claimed to be an expert, I do know good animation because I've been watching it all my life.I understand that without a budget animation quality suffers,but there are plenty of television shows that have done it better.When I watch a show like this and say"I could do this"I feel like it's clear that they are being lazy or they are rushing it.


I like to draw and watch a fair amount of animated shows so I have my likes and dislikes when it comes to the way a show looks. I didn't find this one to be awful by any means and it kinda reminds me of a mixture of "Family Guy" and "King of the Hill." i believe all these new shows are no longer drawn, at least not frame by frame like they used to be. Instead they are drawn concepts and then formatted to computer to appear drawn but drastically cutting down on the budget and the artists needed to do a show. Like it or not this is the way it is now. I think it actually provides a pretty crisp, clean and consistent look for a show that hand drawn shows often cant achieve but I do appreciate shows drawn by human beings and I always will. It's more pure and often more expressive but in todays world animation has to compete with computer generated 3d style animation so I guess this show and many like it have kinda meshed those two styles together and created a hybrid. The shows content is really what makes a show great. Beavis and Butthead was poorly animated and King of the Hill was not much better and those shows were pretty good. F is for Family's animation isn't a problem for me, hell it's a lot better then Bob's Burgers. Lol


I really have no problem with computer animation it's how they use it.Most of the motion is pretty rigid which is my main complaint.


Rigid animation? In this show?

You must not know very much about animation to have such a thoughless complaint.

One particular moment I found to be impressively fluid was the scene in the finale where Frank is singing in his car. Watch his mouth and tell me that's "rigid".

After that, take thirty sheets of paper and try to animate a stick figure walking across the page without it looking "rigid".

Post your results.



I challenge you to find a single (obviously not Anime) animated program which was good enough to last more than three seasons that looked exactly the same in the first season as it did or does in its most recent.

Better animations require more animators, who require a larger budget, which usually takes a season or two to start rolling in due to popularity and demand.

It's a very common occurrence in every popular animated program.

~ The Simpsons
~ Futurama
~ South Park
~ The Venture Bros.
~ Superjail!
~ The Boondocks
~ Bob's Burgers
~ Archer
~ Family Guy
~ American Dad

I'll stop at ten, but you most likely understand what I'm saying.


Well the animation usually improves after time as the show gets a bigger budget and/or better artists or technology. Yet the fact that a show looks good is not typically the reason a show is successful or unsuccessful. If the content is funny or entertaining then it usually gets an audience, family guy was cancelled two or three times until it really found itself. And although the animation in Family Guy improved dramatically the writing and the characters personalities finding a niche had much more to do with the shows success then the way it looked, although it does look a hell of a lot better.


the animation usually improves after time as the show gets a bigger budget and/or better artists or technology. Yet the fact that a show looks good is not typically the reason a show is successful or unsuccessful. If the content is funny or entertaining then it usually gets an audience

Yeah, you practically just stated what I did, just differently.


No I didn't.


I thought u meant it was good enough to get thru three seasons on it's look but after reading it again I guess u meant a good enough show in general terms. My mistake, well I guess we agree then huh? Lol


Although Futurama doesn't look much different from beginning to end.



And Super Jail's animation still sucks. Lol


Disagreed, considering the scale of articulation and the scope of the frames with individually-animated set pieces by the hundreds (sometimes thousands).

They've made it look cleaner in the past two seasons by switching to computer-assisted animation.

The first two seasons were HAND-DRAWN which is absolutely mind blowing.


Well I just watched the first episode of Fururama a few hours ago and it's remarkably similar. Im not saying ur wrong but the difference is certainly not as noticeable as say family guy. It's a credit to the animators I agree. I assume the Simpsons helped them to create such a finely drawn product.



Better animations require more animators, who require a larger budget, which usually takes a season or two to start rolling in due to popularity and demand.

Well the animation usually improves after time as the show gets a bigger budget and/or better artists or technology.


Read above posts please. I don't mean that in a smart ass way, it will explain


Sorry, I was typing that up while you posted :P


No worries, I figured. Lol. So what do u think of F is for Family as a show? I thought it was a solid first season but I think there's room for improvement. I like it but I just wanna see where it will go, know what I mean?


As I've stated in another thread, some of my favorite Bill Burr stand-up bits involve his father and parenting, so this one was an automatic win for me :)

Now that they've gotten all of the family-show/time period tropes out of the way and established the dynamic, Season Two will be much more expansive story-wise.

Another point I've stated before is that Bill Burr can make the back of a Best Buy receipt sound funny with his delivery, so I'm looking forward to more of his hilarious breakdowns for sure :P


Yeah I would agree, I'm sure a lot of this show is based on Bill Burr's own childhood. I think this show could be something special in another year or two when things "fall into place" a bit more. Looking forward to seeing what's next.


I challenge you to find a single (obviously not Anime) animated program which was good enough to last more than three seasons that looked exactly the same in the first season as it did or does in its most recent.

American Dad
Bob's Burgers
King of the Hill

I don't know why you mentioned the first three shows as changing over time, because that's not even close to being true, especially Futurama, which was the most consistent from beginning to end.

Emojis=💩 Emoticons=


Watch the first and last episodes back-to-back. It's not that difficult.

Also, the quality of original animation for both American Dad and Futurama did ride on the coattails of style and experience of Family Guy and The Simpsons, although they did improve from first-to-last.

Hell, even the lines were thicker and angles of characters in Futurama were distorted as they developed from start to finish.

As they build a repertoire of recyclable animations (such as walking, talking, etc.) they are improved upon over time and become much more fluid. This is usually the most noticeable difference, which the above mentioned shows all contain.

It's much more noticeable if you're educated in the art form, so if you're looking to give me a rebuttal just for the sake of an argument, keep in mind I went to school for this.


It's easy to critique subpar animation techniques while writing the great American novel at a table in Starbucks.


I don't think I've been in a Starbucks/coffee shop in at least 3 years lol. I know it was a metaphor but I see what you're getting at.I work on my cartoon every day and I can only hope to make a show as good as something like gravity falls or Over the garden walls for an adult audience one day. Because those shows unlike this one have both great animation and writing that pushes boundaries.
