Why dark matter?

I've been watching this awesome show since Episode 1 , but I still don't understand the title. Why dark matter?


I don't get it either, unless it's that black creature that took control of Three. Maybe we're going to see more of it.


I would guess that it's because it has Outer Space /SF connotations, but it could also mean that the crew are (mostly) criminals in their previous lives, which would explain the 'dark' idea. Also that their past doesn't really exist for them, because they can't remember it, which is like the scientific 'dark matter' - it's matter that's kind of missing from our Universe, according to astrophysicists who seem to understand what they're talking about (even if nobody else can). It's also the title of a track by Porcupine Tree (which may or may not be relevant at all and probably isn't).
Bottom line is that they probably decided it sounded cool.


Also that their past doesn't really exist for them, because they can't remember it, which is like the scientific 'dark matter'

That's what I thought: their "gray matter" holds many secrets making it "dark".


Not really sure either but perhaps that new blink drive uses some kind of antimatter to operate, or maybe it's because the crew is in the dark about their past?

No, you're not wrong, you're just an a$$hole!


I think partly to sound a bit mysterious and spacey. Season one spent a lot of the time trying to sort though the "gray" matter of the crew. Trying to figure out "who" they were and piece together the why and what. I guess "gray matter" or "memory loss" didn't make the cut.

"Snag it, Bag it, Tag it!" ~ WAREHOUSE 13


That is a question that I ask every time I watch an episode. I would really like an answer.

"Stargate" was easy. The story was centered on the stargate. So one would assume that the story of DM is centred on Dark Matter: but where is it?

"I care about the law. It's justice I don't give a toss about." Cleaver Greene


I've always assumed that it was because the characters all had such "dark" pasts but can't really recall them.

Over simplified, they are dark characters that matter.

That's what we need - ridiculous odds, and just a speck of hope that someday, we'll beat it


Lets see we have brain matter that appears if your shot in the head and then dark which would incidate their memories were wiped so you take dark and matter put it together and boom Dark Matter lol

Thats how i see it haha


Yet a screenwriter recently asked me about the potential for harnessing the power of dark matter. Despite our fascination with things dark—as evidenced by the many books and movies with the word in the title—dark matter is neither an ominous, nor a munificent, source of strategic power in our local neighborhood. With our hands and tools made from ordinary matter, we can’t produce dark matter missiles and we can’t create dark matter traps. Finding it is difficult enough. Harnessing it would be another thing altogether.

I’ll attribute the screenwriter’s wishful thinking to the poor choice of name, which perhaps makes dark matter seem more menacing and powerful than it is. But although people can’t harness the force of dark matter, the Universe can, Whether or not we recognize its contribution, dark matter—like the invisible workers who built pyramids or highways or assembled electronics that were essential to the development of civilization—has played an important role in the development of our cosmos.


That final sentence works as a description of the Rasa's crew - invisible workers essential to the development of our cosmos. As Six speculated, they are powerful enough to be significant agents of change.
