MovieChat Forums > Dark Matter (2015) Discussion > they SO killed the wrong person (spoiler...

they SO killed the wrong person (spoilers from start of season 2)

4 can't act - at all...

i was hoping he would get better but it's literally like cardboard reading the lines off of.. um.. cardboard.

They made a big mistake.. they should have kept 1 and killed 4.



it's the character I bet

I think he does a decent job, but the "stoic warrior" archetype can be hard to pull off interestingly in some situations. Also, judging by his personality in interviews he'd fall closer to the Jeremy Irons side of the D&D scale of bad acting, if he was a bad actor.


Jeremy Irons is a great actor. Have you seen Dead Ringers ??!!



yes he is a very good actor

Not in D&D, I think he knew the movie was going to be bad and just had fun with the role.


Watch on 4 gets to flex his acting muscles in the 2nd half of the season.


No thanks. Everything was wrong with One, from the actor to the acting to the character.

"I could've sworn there was one more peanut butter left." -- Morgan, The Walking Dead


I couldn't agree more. Four is one of the more interesting characters on the show but he also is the cliche one - ie the comedy relief. Don't get me started on Six. I don't mind him but he moves so stiff and unnatural in front of the camera.


1 was not a GOOD actor, don't get me wrong.. But for some reason i feel a hole with him gone, like something is missing. I honestly wouldn't care if 4 gets a sword through the head or we just never see him again.

1 had cheesy problems, but 4 is just completely stiff and wooden.. to me, that's worse.. but of course, YMMV and all that, and i respect seeing a completely different opinion! Cheers


Agreed. One was always the weak link in every way. Killing him was unexpected, interesting, and a blessing in disguise.


fair enough.. well please then can we have another blessing in disguise, and kill 4 asap.

I love 1, 3 , 5 and 6.. yes even 5.

I liked the doctor.. but instead they chose the wrong character again and kept the new woman.

If they kill 3, i would never watch again, but i doubt they will.


Dont forget The Android! Best character in the show imo and everyone seems to forget her. I'm happy they got rid of 1 but anyone else will be a loss for the show.


Agreed on 4 not being able to act - when he said "millions" on the season finale I laughed at how bad the acting was. It was like a bad Shatner impression. However, 4 is a good character.

However, killing 1 was a smart move. The actor and character were both lame. The guy doesn't even look like an actor. He was a drag on the rest of the cast and the story. So glad he is gone.


you know what, you are probably right, and it is likely this entire post came about more from how BAD 4's actor is, rather than 1 ever being any good.

still my favourite sci fi in ages though :)



It took me a long time to warm up to 3. I just kept thinking how much better it would have been if Adam Baldwin was playing Three.

Now, I like the character and the actor is pretty good. Adam Baldwin still would have killed it though.

One was an odd choice to kill off. Jay Firestone produced shows tend to do a lot of things for shock value even if they don't make long-term sense. This happened repeatedly and ofte on Lost Girl, and while the writing is much better on Dark Matter it still goes for shock over substance sometimes.

I'm telling you, it the Lando!


Kensi was the bomb in Lost Girl. The show SO lost it's way though the more it progressed. So this is from the same creator huh? I had no idea, had never checked. PLEASE then, if the guy is reading this, don't let it go the way of Lost Girl.


It took me a long time to warm up to 3. I just kept thinking how much better it would have been if Adam Baldwin was playing Three.

That is because he is the "Jayne" character in this show and AB as "Jayne" was awesome, but then again AB is pretty much awesome in anything he does.

I think 3 is probably the most interesting characters in the show.

"I care about the law. It's justice I don't give a toss about." Cleaver Greene


If you were to really check around most of the threads, you'll pretty see some posters pretty much questioning the acting ability of almost every actor on the show. Personally I would have preferred the original cast stay intact. Just not a fan of characters being indiscriminately killed because of writer's block, to appease fans, or to simply shock ala yes Game of Thrones.

Just curious to if you thought the original clone/identity switch storyline about One was adequately written and concluded? To me it seemed like the writers started that storyline and didn't really know how to finish it. Then blamed it on the character, which ironically was the character I felt they originally kind of leaned towards.


absolutely not.. they started this whole thing about him taking someone else's face, this unique mystery i thought would be explored, then the guy kills him and she kills the guy.. it's like they started it then went NOWHERE with it at all.

So no, not adequate, which i assume we agree on.


Yes we definitely agree on it. Hell they finally had most of the corporations lined up and still no mention of any of it. Guess so many didn't care for the character, that they just didn't care a good part of season 1 was wasted setting up the entire thing.


I'd rather none of them died, but out of all six characters, he was probably the most expendable. After the way he was written in S1 it gave 2 more freedom, and she's by far the most important character on the show.

Probably should have kept Jace Corso around a bit longer though...


Jace Corso could still be alive, as we dont know who came with them from the parallel universe
