It's scifi channel show, the bar is very low
Rather than being the moneymaking Fox Channel, where they cancel anything that slips even slightly?
If all the other channels had breaking news interruptions about half the entire US being wiped out by terrorists, Fox would still cancel a show for not making its ratings against that!!
Only reason Family Guy got renewed is that Fox realised how much money they can make off it.
Also, where's that Dark Matter movie?
It hasn't been cancelled yet... It's still got seasons to go!
You use this a lot.
I used it TWICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You think that is a lot, you got some schooling issues, man...!!
You also need to understand and appreciate what was being said to you.
But both the blink drive and clone tech is borderline fantasy for its apparent time period.
You *beep* WHAT, now???!!
OK smartass, exactly when in the future IS such technology scheduled to be implemented?
Also, what are next month's Lottery numbers... since you claim to know the future, and all....?
ST timeline looks to be much further into the future.
Your article did not cite 12 gadgets that *actually* exist, so much as ideas that range from 'sort-of vaguely parallel the concept' right the way to 'someone at NASA thinks it might be theoretically possible but isn't even a fully-fledged concept yet'.
Nothing of any greater significance and only a passing relevance.
You're telling me, they jumped over 3D printing food and other inanimate items, etc. and straight to instant human cloning and mind replication?
How can you digitally send the actual physical material needed to print from?
Or do you think 3D printers print matter out of nothingness?
You need physical matter at the output end, which is what the clones are. You can then infuse them with data, which you *can* easily send across the cosmos like an email.
Science has already proven that the brain is just electrical impulses. The rest is easy.
Furthermore, most manufacuring of inorganic products is likely already 3D printed before factory assembly and this is just an advanced thing. Certainly the characters don't seem desperately experienced with it, suggesting it's more of a relatively new thing, like personal VR gaming headsets are today.
But technology never follows a logical or steady progression. If it did, we'd have been using tablet computers from decades ago. Asimov featured them in the early 50s and companies like Atari and GRiD had tablets and Dynabooks well before Apple and MS. MS even put them out before the iPad, but no-one wanted them at the time.
How about the risk of solar radiation
That's what ship shields and hull plating are for. Go ask Neil Armstrong why he didn't roast when he was in space...
space ship malfunction and whatever *beep* that can happen out there in space
Same goes for your car, train or even going outside your house... Hell, why not whine about the risk of staying INSIDE your house, just in case a plane crashes on it?
The sheer number of people who die at home would frighten you right out of your little house on the prairie and as far away from it as possible... off-planet, if you could!
when you can just be safe relaxing on a planet?
"But... but.... but... what if a meteor hits, or the sun goes nova, or the evil Galactic Empire takes over.... ".
All this, while still not understanding that physical transference requires physical travel.
The rest you're just repeating yourself.
Not in the slightest, but you'd know this if you'd read and understood.
I just reckon you have absolutely nothing to counter with and can't stand the fact that you really didn't think this through any... or your attention span was THAT limited and you're off Pokemonning yourself around the streets instead.