MovieChat Forums > Dark Matter (2015) Discussion > Almost there for a decent Firefly-clone ...

Almost there for a decent Firefly-clone , but ...


Or superclean (infinite) clothes .

Or drinking from empty cups all the time.

Is it that hard to add some (really it costs less !) realism to the show ?

Other than that, I 'll still watch it . "Expanse" yet is far away ....

P.S. I am sick of the kid's constantly frowning eyebrows. Surely you could do better casting on this one . Love. Matters. 


and thats why I killed Killjoys.


Killjoys lead is a terrible actress compared to any of the actors in Dark matter :x


She just does what the director asks for - Blame the scriptwriters.
Then check some of her other work, to see how good she actually is...


Firefly doesn't even compare to this... this one is far superior and it shows by lasting more seasons. Though FF is good otherwise, just not as good imo.


this one is far superior and it shows by lasting more seasons.

Man, you have it all wrong.
2 statements , 2 errors.

The number of seasons is not only related to the quality of the show, but almost only how carefully it is aired and marketed.

And would you care to elaborate the "far superior"? It must be very interesting.


Not too mention that it is really unfair to compare the ratings quota of an early 2000s major 4 network to a cable network that has no qualm about airing Sharknado.


yeah, come on man. dismissing Firefly so easily.. first time i'v seen someone do that


Firefly? Phhhhh.. way overrated. This is so much better.

Prepare to be judged....with a FGM-148 Javelin!


Look at the year Firefly came out. It was awesome for what it was and Serenity was even more awesome. That being said, I love Dark Matter.


Firefly was a great show but it's always been overated. BSG is the best of all of these including the the Stargates.


The old BSG is pretty unbearable.

The new BSG was awesome for about two seasons, but then the show started collapsing on the fact that the script authors simply never managed to resolve all the questions they had piled up before. The end is just abysmal.

I say nothing gets close to Babylon 5. It starts very slow and it has sometimes its lengths, but its the strongest storytelling and it never ever stops.

Firefly is 14 episodes of the most awesome Sci-Fi show ever, but unfortunately then it stops.

A gentleman will not insult me, and no man not a gentleman can insult me.


Babylon 5 needs so much more love. It's criminally underrated. BSG has some incredible moments (even after its supposed peak in S2... I still count the end of S3 as some of the best episodes in all of sci fi) and Firefly was excellent throughout its short run, but B5 will always have a special place in my heart.

I think what I like about all three (BSG, B5, Firefly) is that they have worlds and characters that feel "lived in", and one has to highlight the excellent character development on B5 and its great story arcs. It's something that the big guns of Star Trek and Star Wars doesn't even come close to, and these new shows, while decent (thinking Dark Matter, Killjoys et al) are nowhere near.

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I'm with you there... B5 unfortunately is becoming forgotten. It was one of (if not the) finest scifi shows. Admittedly, it is starting to date quite badly because they just didn't have the money to spend on sets and such, the way trek did. And the effects, though groundbreaking at the time (and we owe them for what we see on TV scifi now!) do need updating.

The other criminally underrated show is Space: Above and Beyond. That was a brilliant show that never had a chance.

I couldn't stand the new Galactica past the admittedly fantastic production values. I'll take original Galactica over it any day. :-)

Firefly, I was always felt was terribly overrated. It was okay, but took the western-in-space idea too literally, to the point of having (almost) no scifi in the stories, outside of the spaceship.

Dark Matter and Killjoys are the dose of 'fun' scifi that we need at the moment. Are they perfect? No, but they're great fun, with some interesting characters and stories.


So wrong so very wrong.

Firefly is appropriately rated and died well before its time.

BSG was good, although it did stumble near its end.

Stagate SG1 and Stargate Atlantis were awesome and superior to BSG in everyway IMO.

"I care about the law. It's justice I don't give a toss about." Cleaver Greene


Firefly is appropriately rated and died well before its time.


BSG was good, although it did stumble near its end.

Mostly true... I think it started to waver about halfway through, quickly becoming a weird fanboy wank over who was/wasn't a Cylon, whether Tigh was gonna start drinking again this episode, and WTF was going on with Kara, as well as endless vacant/frightened mouse Laura Roslin stares before she issues some psychopathic order, plus general plot setups with people then doing the one stupid thing that would blatantly *beep* up their lives, all masquerading as drama of fate.

Stagate SG1 and Stargate Atlantis were awesome and superior to BSG in everyway IMO.

Not seen Atlantis.
I wouldn't say in EVERY way... BSG had a decent dark tone for a good deal of Season 1, whereas SG1 was always lighter. You couldn't do an episode like Window of Opportunity with BSG, for example...


I wouldn't say in EVERY way... BSG had a decent dark tone for a good deal of Season 1, whereas SG1 was always lighter. You couldn't do an episode like Window of Opportunity with BSG, for example...

Fair point. Window of Opportunity is one of my favourite episodes. "In the middle of my backswing!?!?" LoL

"I care about the law. It's justice I don't give a toss about." Cleaver Greene


Why are all "space renegade" shows firefly clones? This is a sci fi version of a well tread genre with some very common archetypes in the cast. It might as well be a cowboy bebop clone...


Or a clone to 90% of all traveler campaigns...


I agree with this sentiment. It didn't make the genre, but it's become synonymous with the genre probably because of the most recent example of it. The show that young audiences have grown up on.

The funny thing though as Firefly reuses a lot of ideas from the anime Outlaw Star (look it up if you don't believe me, it's legit hilarious), which came out like five years before Firefly.


I only seen a teensy bit of outlaw star but I know what you're talking about. IIRC it came out about the same time as cowboy bebop.


The oldest space renegade series I can remember is Blake's seven. But sure there are older, Flash Gordon or Buck Rogers maybe?


I just started watching Blake's 7. I quite like it actually.


Not to mention how small all the locales feel, the overall universe is dull and sterile. The locations are tacked on. Especially, that Japanese planet is awfully forced. Firefly just feels a lot more genuine.

The Raza doesn't feel as real as the Serenity, the scale, etc. Maybe show it land and people use it other than for space battles and for shuttle launches.

Firefly crushes all those clones and only needs 1 season.


It's not without reason that people often say that Serenity was a character on the show. That ship has more soul than just about any other. And yeah, the Japanese planet is pretty forced; makes me think of some of the locales Picard and his team visited in early TNG...

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I disagree. I wouldn't compare Dark Matter to an overrated TV show that only become really popular after it was cancelled and while I loved watching this season of Dark Matter especially the last three episodes Firefly put me to sleep when I tried to watch it.


It don't matter if it's raining
Nothing can phase me
I make my own sunshine
And if you think you can break me
Baby, you're crazy
I make my own sunshine



Apart from Two who is genetically superior anyway, and Android who is perfect, everyone else has either crazy green or pretty short hair, both of which is easy to do up and keep in place all day with almost zero effort.

Or superclean (infinite) clothes .

That's why people in teh future wear lots of leather and dark colours - The dirt either wipes clean or doesn't show so much! 
Seriously, this is the future, where we fly around in spaceships... I think we can invent dirt-resistant clothing!!

Or drinking from empty cups all the time.

They're *forever* pouring out cups of water and drinking it...!!


Firefly is not only superior but also more believable.

Wtf, that mind transfer to a clone tech, over subspace.

Instant clone at where ever you want to go, a space station or a planet, etc. Why is there still a need for space travel? Why the hell do people still walk around with their actual bodies and risk death?

Not only is it too fantastical for a scifi that looks like pre ST Federation level of sophistication, it's not being used consistently through out the show. They have the damn things in their damn ship.

Don't get me started on that *beep* blink drive.


Firefly is not only superior but also more believable.

I don't see Season 2 of Firefly...

Wtf, that mind transfer to a clone tech, over subspace.

That's a pretty Classic Sci-Fi concept.

Why is there still a need for space travel?

Because clones only last 72hrs and you cannot send anything other than electronic data, such as DNA and neural imprinting. Otherwise space freight would also be out of business.

Why the hell do people still walk around with their actual bodies and risk death?

Because you lose all memory of the clone experience if it dies, as well as there being various health risks inherrent in transit clone technology.

Not only is it too fantastical for a scifi that looks like pre ST Federation level of sophistication,

Less sophisticated and more fantastical than Beaming down while wearing pyjamas?

it's not being used consistently through out the show. They have the damn things in their damn ship.

They're wanted fugitives and the technology can be both traced and remotely hacked. It's often too risky.

Don't get me started on that *beep* blink drive.

What, a device that folds space for near-instantanous travel?
Another old Classic Sci-Fi concept.


I don't see Season 2 of Firefly...

It's scifi channel show, the bar is very low, plus their other shows sucks even more. They need to fill the air time with something. Also, where's that Dark Matter movie?

That's a pretty Classic Sci-Fi concept.

You use this a lot. But both the blink drive and clone tech is borderline fantasy for its apparent time period. ST timeline looks to be much further into the future.

Because clones only last 72hrs and you cannot send anything other than electronic data, such as DNA and neural imprinting. Otherwise space freight would also be out of business.

You're telling me, they jumped over 3D printing food and other inanimate items, etc. and straight to instant human cloning and mind replication? It's like MAGIC!

Because you lose all memory of the clone experience if it dies, as well as there being various health risks inherrent in transit clone technology.

How about the risk of solar radiation, space ship malfunction and whatever *beep* that can happen out there in space, when you can just be safe relaxing on a planet?

The rest you're just repeating yourself.


It's scifi channel show, the bar is very low

Rather than being the moneymaking Fox Channel, where they cancel anything that slips even slightly?
If all the other channels had breaking news interruptions about half the entire US being wiped out by terrorists, Fox would still cancel a show for not making its ratings against that!!
Only reason Family Guy got renewed is that Fox realised how much money they can make off it.

Also, where's that Dark Matter movie?

It hasn't been cancelled yet... It's still got seasons to go! 

You use this a lot.

I used it TWICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You think that is a lot, you got some schooling issues, man...!!
You also need to understand and appreciate what was being said to you.

But both the blink drive and clone tech is borderline fantasy for its apparent time period.

You *beep* WHAT, now???!!
OK smartass, exactly when in the future IS such technology scheduled to be implemented?
Also, what are next month's Lottery numbers... since you claim to know the future, and all....?

ST timeline looks to be much further into the future.

Your article did not cite 12 gadgets that *actually* exist, so much as ideas that range from 'sort-of vaguely parallel the concept' right the way to 'someone at NASA thinks it might be theoretically possible but isn't even a fully-fledged concept yet'.
Nothing of any greater significance and only a passing relevance.

You're telling me, they jumped over 3D printing food and other inanimate items, etc. and straight to instant human cloning and mind replication?

How can you digitally send the actual physical material needed to print from?
Or do you think 3D printers print matter out of nothingness?
You need physical matter at the output end, which is what the clones are. You can then infuse them with data, which you *can* easily send across the cosmos like an email.
Science has already proven that the brain is just electrical impulses. The rest is easy.

Furthermore, most manufacuring of inorganic products is likely already 3D printed before factory assembly and this is just an advanced thing. Certainly the characters don't seem desperately experienced with it, suggesting it's more of a relatively new thing, like personal VR gaming headsets are today.

But technology never follows a logical or steady progression. If it did, we'd have been using tablet computers from decades ago. Asimov featured them in the early 50s and companies like Atari and GRiD had tablets and Dynabooks well before Apple and MS. MS even put them out before the iPad, but no-one wanted them at the time.

How about the risk of solar radiation

That's what ship shields and hull plating are for. Go ask Neil Armstrong why he didn't roast when he was in space...

space ship malfunction and whatever *beep* that can happen out there in space

Same goes for your car, train or even going outside your house... Hell, why not whine about the risk of staying INSIDE your house, just in case a plane crashes on it?
The sheer number of people who die at home would frighten you right out of your little house on the prairie and as far away from it as possible... off-planet, if you could!

when you can just be safe relaxing on a planet?

"But... but.... but... what if a meteor hits, or the sun goes nova, or the evil Galactic Empire takes over.... ".
All this, while still not understanding that physical transference requires physical travel.

The rest you're just repeating yourself.

Not in the slightest, but you'd know this if you'd read and understood.
I just reckon you have absolutely nothing to counter with and can't stand the fact that you really didn't think this through any... or your attention span was THAT limited and you're off Pokemonning yourself around the streets instead.


I don't see Season 2 of Firefly...

You are making the annoyingly common mistake of thinking that popularity = quality. Honey Boo Boo ran for four seasons, and how many seasons do you think the Kardashians will get? Just because some shows have long runs don't mean they're any good. Firefly died because Fox mishandled it, another instance of exacutive meddling gone wrong, like so many before and after.

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You are making the annoyingly common mistake of thinking that popularity = quality.

Not at all, although both are subjective and arguably reflected by each other.

Honey Boo Boo ran for four seasons, and how many seasons do you think the Kardashians will get?

I don't really care enough to even Google what Honey Boo Boo is...

Just because some shows have long runs don't mean they're any good.

The high number of viewers would disagree - See remark about subjectivity.

Firefly died because Fox mishandled it, another instance of exacutive meddling gone wrong, like so many before and after.

Fox disliked the dark tone and the underdog nobody characters, as well as some reviewers slating it, one even saying it was "doomed from the start". The low ratings finished it off.


wow. you have no idea how corporate level network TV works. being a 14 year veteran of the TV production/broadcasting industry I do have a bit of knowledge in this arena.

TV execs at that level are generally idiots. hell, a large majority of mgt. in almost every industry is totally ignorant of exactly how their company & industry operates or how best to manage it. it's unfortunately a "who you know" environment on getting hired or promoted.

and this comes from being in the working world for 40+ years including co-owning/operating/managing a multi-million dollar Corp. which my family built from the ground up.


wow. you have no idea how corporate level network TV works.

If you say so... I mean, you'd obviously know, right... given that you're, "a 14 veteran of the TV production/broadcasting industry"...

You might want to explain more about how your comments even address the points I raised, though, since they don't really do much more than concur with me.

TV execs at that level are generally idiots.

I got five questions for you:
They're the idiots in charge, though and if they say it's game over, that's all there is to it.

it's unfortunately a "who you know" environment on getting hired or promoted.

OK, so who did Joss upset so much they cancelled Firefly, then?
He was already hot property from Buffy, Angel and Alien: Res...

and this comes from being in the working world for 40+ years up to and including co-owning/operating/managing a multi-million dollar Corp. which my family built from the ground up.

Ah, so you're a rich, corrupt, Old Boys Club idiot too then, are you?
So far up your own backside about being an executive that you don't even need to learn capitalisation?
Are your corporate communications equally laughable, or does your secretary type them for you? 

Or is it that you're a veteran of TV & broadcasting and a company exec, but just not a multi-million Dollar TV company exec?


Firefly is not only superior but also more believable.
Seriously ? Thats important to you ?!?!?

Firefly is relatively lowtech SciFi - but thats not an advantage or disadvantage, thats just a property. I would like Firefly just as much if it had all the hitech we see on Dark Matter, or on other SF shows.

Besides, the way Firefly describes the space they're living in is *IMPOSSIBLE*. You cannot possibly have this many inhabitable planets in such a small space. They would collide or throw each other out of orbit, in the early stages of forming the planetary system. At most you might manage two inhabitable planets around a star. At most it might be a double double star system, meaning two pairs of stars that orbit around another. And they have to have large distances between the stars so the stars can have planets in their inhabitable zones. Then maybe you can make double planets, or you can have a "hot" Jupiter in the inhabitable zone with maybe up to four inhabitable moons. But thats really it, more doesnt really manage into a single space.

The scenario we see on Firefly with a near unlimited supply of inhabitable planets however is completely bogus. Thats not actually possible.

For this aspect it would have helped, would have been much more believable, if Firefly was more hitech. Maybe just the ability to travel over relatively short distances, like lightyears, in a couple of days at a time. Then every new planet would have its own star and everything would make sense.

A gentleman will not insult me, and no man not a gentleman can insult me.


Firefly universe does have higher tech than what those here think. There weren't a bunch of inhabitable planets. They were terraformed. States that fact right at the beginning of the movie.

Remember, there are episodes where they go to more of the central planets which had much higher tech, but most of the time the crew would hang around the border planets, where the hillbilly planets were.

That's much different than Dark Matter where they have much more super-science stuff. Like space/time pockets with a key. Or white hole bombs...
