Just looking around the internet, there are full articles written (mainly by insane moronic blogger feminazis) complaining about identity politics and who gets to kick who's ass, who died and who gets the glory in the movie...based on NOTHING except the gender of the characters!
That's how fucked up identity politics is getting, that people can't watch and enjoy a movie without looking at the race, gender, and sexual orientation of each character, and get mad about which character gets to have the best moments based on that.
This is getting insane, and hysterical. One article I read didn't care about Stark dying because he was a straight white male. I am at a loss for all of this bullshit.
I have nothing against any type of person represented in a film, but society itself saying everyone has to "have their moment" is going to ruin storytelling and cinema.
Instead of talking about a movie the right way, including the story, acting, etc. People are judging movies based on gender or racial politics and representation, which I think is so fucked up.
Wish I was a filmmaker to make a film to piss off all of these glorified internet bloggers judging movies based on the color of one's skin or their genitalia instead of the quality of the film itself.
I think movies are heading down a shitty road, and its not because of real diversity...it's mainly because of society's warped perception of diversity.
The "girl power" scene was fucking stupid and it hurt the film. It wasn't needed. It was there to service identity politics, which apparently is more important than the actual film itself at this point. It would have been so much better if EVERYONE came to Captain Marvel's aid at that moment, and it would have made a hell of a lot more sense.