MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Endgame (2019) Discussion > So Infinity War basically means nothing ...

So Infinity War basically means nothing now---

This movie is ridiculous---putting time travel in here is basically giving them all a do-over and makes Infinity War seem like it didn't even matter in comparison. And it knows it's ridiculous cause this movie couldn't even present its plot without turning to making joke after joke about it. So much of this is terrible from Thor's ridiculous plotline to the redundancy and predictability of every scene. Huge disappointment.

Have a short review of this movie if anyone is interested. Enjoy! Review here -


The real stupidity of the timeline episodes is that all have the good guys go back just far enough to redo a battle and win, why not go back to the time the villain was born and kill him when he is born because anyone with half a brain knows the villain like Thanos killed countless innocents during the time he existed before the battle redo, so why do the heroes always ignore those lives and only worry about the lives from the last battle. I would love to have seen it where they find a way to send some back in time to just kill the baby Thanos and in the process has to sacrifice themselves because the time travel is a one way trip where they know they'll die of old age before any of their comrades are grown.


Guess you missed the bit where they broached that EXACT subject.


If they broached it, then it must have happened when I was taking a piss. The movie wasn't good enough to hold it in till it was over.


Theres no "if" at all. Rhodey, Banner and a couple of the others were discussing it in the first half hour of the movie.

Get your bladder checked out if it failed you that soon!


did you even watch the movie? the past they went was a different timeline, that means anything they change there will still not affect their own future but will create a multiverse so killing thanos as a baby will still not affect their future that is why they had to bring the stones back into their timeline to snap.


I had the people that watched with me trying to explain the timeline crap on the way home, it didn't make any sense and just seems like a reason the writers came up with to force the story where they wanted it to go.


how does it not make sense.. this is also another theory by scientists known as the multiverse theory... just because they are not usually explored by movies does not mean it does not make sense... the time travel we know also has some big issue like what if i kill my grandfather in the past what happens to me then...all of them are just theories because no one has ever gone to the past thats if its even possible so in reality none of them dont really make sense but like i said the multiverse is also another theory in time travel


i think the opposite is true.
they didn't go back & reverse infinity war. that was one thing i feared they might do - go back, fight that fight again.
infinity war still happened. the people that were gone were gone for five years. now they're back, but there's still consequences of iw events.


I thought Endgame retcon infinity war. but it didn't.


Many deaths are permanent from Infinity War: Heimdall, Loki, and Gamora. Also, those who had been snapped spent five years in a limbo state while the rest of the world moved on. There are massive consequences left over from Infinity War.

And that's before we get into all the major changes of this movie.


Making IW irrelevant is a mea culpa to the fans since IW was a pathetic jumbled rushed dumpster fire with horrible writing and no heart


Exactly. Why even watch movie when at ze end of day, u’ll be back in bed? Just stay in bed all day.


Well, this is science fiction/fantasy. So, no one ever really dies. Sure, it's been done a million times before, and done better, but let's pretend we live forever! Keep that time machine going, I say.

Of course, none of these plots ever goes back to the beginning of time to resurrect every human that has died. Honestly, it's a huge plot hole.

It also cuts into the seriousness of the threat from a villain if we know our hero has a ace up their sleeve called immortality. (I mean, we can do this more than once, right?)

New Title: Avengers: You Only Live Forever


His much coke did you snort before recording this?


^^^^he would know about coke^^^^^^^^

good review
