MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Endgame (2019) Discussion > Captain Marvel questions(spoiler alert)

Captain Marvel questions(spoiler alert)

When fighting Thanos over the gauntlet, what was she trying to do? Absorb the power of the stones? Prevent him from closing his fingers?

Then we see Thanos hit her and there is no reaction. Why? Then he grabs something and is able to hit her. Was it one of the stones? I don't really get the fight. Please explain, Thanks!


She was doing exactly that, preventing him from closing his fist, which is how he can activate an Infinity Stone. When his punch has no effect on her, Thanos realizes she's as strong as him so he plucks the Power Stone from the gauntlet and uses it to augment the strength of his next punch.


Yeah he physically took the power stone from the gauntlet and punched her with it in his striking fist and then put it back into the gauntlet


I was impressed with his quick thinking to be honest.

You'd think he'd be at least momentarily nonplussed, but he's an expert tactician as well as strategist, apparently

Slick move on his part.

Let me add that I was one of those who worried about Captain Marvel being boringly overpowered, and she did come close at the final fight, but nowhere near the deus ex that I'd been worried about.


In all honesty I wasn't that worried. The Russo brothers have been excellent since Winter Soldier, no way were they going to allow a new character to take centre stage over the main Avengers.

Captain Marvel was in it long enough and plausibly absent that she didn't bother me at all.


Exactly this. No one was stealing this movie from Cap and Iron Man unless they wanted another ‘The Last Jedi’ on their hands. They got the most screen time for their climactic film and so they should.

Avengers 5 though yeah we’ll probably be seeing Captain Marvel front and centre on those posters.


Which is a bit weird as, going by this movie, she seems more concerned with saving other planets and leaving Earth to be defended by the Avengers. She seems to be a reserve member.


I think she is reserve until the events of Endgame, not wanting to take away from Cap, Stark and the rest


Possibly. I thought the movie would end with a new Avengers roster but it seems as though the team is disbanded for the time being.


Well there is nothing for them to battle right now, so they've earnt a rest ;)

Thor i'm presuming is in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3


Hulk is physically stronger than Thanos, but Thanos outpunch him. Captain Marvel with her energy is clearly stronger than Thanos, but Thanos outsmart her.

Thanos is the fucking Lu Bu.


Thanks for the response. But physically, she is nowhere near Thanos strength right? That would make her equal to the Hulk or a (fit) Thor. Did she rebuff his punch with the energy she was generating?

I can't buy that she is physically as strong as Hulk or Thor. And the way Thanos throws her around in the other scenes seems to demonstrate it as well


Am I ze only 1 outraged a gurl hero is mo powerful than a dude hero? Wat will they think of next? A dark Phoenix female character dat is near invincible?
