MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Endgame (2019) Discussion > Your Box Office Prediction?

Your Box Office Prediction?

Domestic: $700-726m
Foreign: $1.39-1.45b
WW: $2.09-2.15b
OW: $260-266m

26 minutes longer than IW (2h36m vs 3h2m) so it may have an effect on viewing experience.


WW: $2,5b


Dom ~ $800m
For ~ $1.4b
WW ~ $2.2b
OW ~ $280m

$1b WW in 5 days


If it's really good and gets better reviews than Infinity War (not that IW got slashed by the critics, I've loved it but with 68 at MetaCritic there's plenty of room for improvements), I think it's possible for Endgame to reach that magic mark of 1B domestically.

Overall it will surely surpass IW's total, 2.75B is my guess.


Lol, that's very generous of you. I think there is a limit on peoples wallet though no matter how good a movie is. This movie would be a good test to see how much people are willing to spend seeing it more than once.


We shall see, perhaps I did go a bit overboard but with three weeks ahead the hype is already here and some are even mentioning a 1B OW worldwide. This will surely make new records, some that won't be broken any time soon.


I think it's possible for Endgame to reach that magic mark of 1B domestically.


IMO This is basically Impossible...

even if Endgame opens near 300 Million...Its still not getting close to 1 B...

You got to remember, TFA's otherworldly domestic total came from its Release date in December...

It had nearly 2 weeks from December 20th through the New year, where It Made Astonishing Money On Week days...

Endgame simply cant come close to matching what TFA's made on those week days.

Maybe If Endgame Opened in December it MIGHT Have a shot...

But IMO theres just no possible way with it opening in May...

I do think Endgames got a Good shot at Titanic's 760 M though if reviews are great


Don't you mean Avatar's $760 million?

Other than that, I feel the same way. To hit a billion dollars domestically a film needs a perfect combination of many elements, chief among them being a release date in late December when kids are out of school. Not far behind is content appropriate for children, and I don't think Endgame qualifies. Star Wars films have always been aimed at children and adults at the same time. Marvel's films, especially Infinity War and now Endgame, are far more mature than Star Wars.

I think the best case scenario for Endgame is right around $700 million domestically. $760 seems like a big stretch, but I learned from the success of Infinity War that my predictions are usually on the cautious side.

Internationally? Another $1.5 billion-ish seems like the upper limit, with $2.3 billion total feeling like the best possible outcome.

What it really hinges on is the initial reaction of critics and audiences.


Don't you mean Avatar's $760 million?


Yes...dont no why I typed Titanic

Internationally? Another $1.5 billion-ish seems like the upper limit, with $2.3 billion total feeling like the best possible outcome.


I would have completely agreed with this 1 month ago.

In fact My Prediction for Endgame ever since Infinity War came has been 1.8 to MAYBE 2 Billion...

But after the last 2 weeks, Its becoming perfectly clear...

2 Billion World Wide Is guaranteed.

Avengers Endgame is going to have a 800 Million dollar + global opening....that literally means in its first 3 days its going to Make over 800 Million that point its just MATH...

I did not know China was opening the same time as its domestic release...IW opened to a 640 M global debut Without China....IW opened in China to 200 Million a few weeks later

I see almost no way Endgame has a global opening less than 840 Million...

again Its Just OVER...Its not mathematically possible for Engame NOT to make 2 Billion with an Opening that large...In fact, Endgame could COLLAPSE and have some of the worst Holds and Multiplier in MCU history and its still going to at least make 2 Billion...

the realization that Endgame is heading for a 840 M dollar global debut and The News of the astonishing domestic pre sales where Endgame broke TFAs records and out sold IW by 5 times as many tickets...

leaves ZERO doubt Endgame is heading for a total gross of at least 2 Billion...

I'm not predicting it to Beat Avatars 2.7 B.....But for me, 2 Billion is guaranteed

reply I've told you many times before...ticket pre-sales are rapidly becoming THE way that people buy tickets.

MUCH more so than in 2015 with TFA. That's why we read all the time about "pre-sales records" being broken all the time for TONS of movies these days but the end result box office is invariably NOT a "record-breaker".

LOL...easy on the hyperventilating, bill.



OW-240 to 290 Million(May seem like a wide Marin but honestly theres no tracking this films opening weekend, Its stats,data and tracking is now at a place where there are no Comps, 240 to 290 Is about the best prediction one can make...)

Domestic-660 to 775 Million-(If Endgame Is ALL TIME Great and opens near 300 M, Obviously that changes things)

Total-2 Billion to 2.350 Billion(2 Billion Is the absolute Floor, Endgame is set to have a Global opening over 800 Million, Its not Mathematical Possible for Endgame Not to at least make 2 Billion with a global opening over 800 M)

Bottom Line...

We could be looking at history here.

I think Endgame has a chance to pretty much break every record except Avatar's 2.7 Billion total and TFAs Domestic total...but I also think Endgame may end up being #2 in both cases...

I think Titanic's 2.187 B is definitely in reach for Endgame....and I think Avatars 760 Million domestic total is at least a possibility...


domestic opening weekend: $263m
Domestic total: $695m
Worldwide opening weekend (including domestic): $825m
worldwide total: $2.08b, edging out the force awakens.

while there is no way this film will do anything other than be enormous, i believe i will stand by my earlier prediction that endgame has a non-trivial chance of not making $2b. about 20% odds that it comes in below that, let's say.

for whatever it's worth, i bought a ticket for friday opening weekend today, something i never do. i usually take pains to avoid crowds in order to not have to deal with people & their phones & their popcorn & talking. i'm usually taking in a weekday matinee.

but this feels like a movie that needs to be seen with the fanboys. i have to think it will gain from seeing it with a packed audience.


Totally. Besides, in the opening days the room will be packed with people who actually want to see the movie, so the audience will be good and respectful.


i think that's almost certainly going to be the case.
people who are going to be there really want to be there.

i went to see infinity war during a weekday matinee, & it was fine. i enjoyed it, think it's one of the best marvel films. but i can't help but think my experience would have been better if i'd seen it in a room packed with sweaty, smelly fan-boy energy. there's something to be said for the energy that comes from being in a room where people are really, really into an experience, whether it's live music, a movie, whatever.


Domestic: $715M
WW: $2.205M

I don't do opening weekend predictions.


I think people are forgetting that Jeremiah Terminator Leroy is releasing that same weekend, so Endgame won't have nearly the sales people think due to the competition. My prognostications:

OW: $8m
Dom: $12.1m
WW: $22.5m


I will pay at the box office.

That's my prediction.

Unless I use the fandango app.

Or the Alamo Drafthouse app.

Then I won't pay at the box office.

Really, these things are so nebulous.
