Will Endgame surpass Infinity War?
My thoughts on this are mixed.
The buildup to Infinity War was huge and the payoff was bigger than anyone imagined. That's the first time in ages - since Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back - that I left the theater in surprise at what happened. I remember that feeling from 1980 and from last May of 2018.
Here's the thing though. I also remember how 1983's Star Wars: Return of the Jedi was sort of a letdown. It didn't have the heft of emotion nor payout that Empire did.
So I'm wondering (and a bit concerned) that Avengers: Endgame could be the MCU's version of Return of the Jedi.
I'm not saying it will and I'm hoping so hard that it won't. It just concerns me that they will try and wrap things up in a nice little happy ball and not give us any desperate stakes at the end. This is how we could see Endgame not coming in ahead of Infinity War, in terms of fan enthusiasm and box office numbers.
Hope I'm wrong but what are your thoughts? Will the Russo's pull a Lucas and cheat us out of a more complex conclusion to go for the happy "everything's good again" ending?
Not wanting to bicker with anyone, just get thoughts on the possibility.