When will terrible artless and forgettable flavor of the month comic book films like this die already?
Serious question.
shareSerious question.
shareGo watch Schindler's List, snob
shareHahaha and you have the nerve to write this thread even though you love the star wars prequels , hahahaha
shareThat post of yours is more revealing that you probably intended (not talking about the furious "hahahaha"s).
Love them or hate them, the SW prequels undeniably sport rampant art, starting with the iconic art design, world building, music and relevant storytelling of the destruction of democracy. We get too little original and imaginative content like this.
Films like Infinity War, love them or hate them, are essentially entertaining clobber porn for manchildren, more comparable to Force Awakens and the like.
Tristan my old nemisis , how the devil are you , i could smell your foul stench as soon as you came to the board.
Yes the prequels look pretty with all the sexy CGI and colourful aliens, but ultimatly its a messy film with poor dialogue poor acting and poor choice of actors.
Avengers is a fun action packed blockbuster with a solid story and good characters, reviewed well and has made a ton of money at the BO. If it was Prequel level of crapness it would of crawled to a billion.
And you thought I smelled bad...from the outsicde, eh?
It's an uniformed urban myth that the SW prequels all consist of CGI, they come from the late 90s, their CGI is moderate compared to modern blockbusters and most you consider CGI is really models and miniatures. There are a lot of articles on this, check this famous vid out:
Messy? You say this in view of Infinity Bore, one of the messiest plotted films from recent script memory? You are kidding, right? And not every movie can have Shakespearian dialogue such as "I will shoot that nutsack of a chin right out of your face", sometimes you gotta go with "There is always a bigger fish", or "You may go home and rethink your life" or "Don't try it Furious, I have the high ground".
Btw, you are aware that Infinity and Panther weirdly ripped-off TPM ground battle, all with tribal warriors with energy shields, with a big protective shield and battling it out on grass lands? Strange, then again the Brother's Winter Soldier was a blatant rip-off of Star Wars anyway, all with Hydra subverting and Order 66-ing Shield, Fury/Windu-Jackson dying, Cap & Co going underground, WS's mask reveal and him being redeemed by Cap and going back to the light side. Speaking of originality...
I have never watched Infinity Bore, although i have watch Infinity War and enjoyed it more than the Prequels, CGI or no CGI the prequels are very meh films, this is pretty much how most of the people that watched the Prequels percieved them , i mean , you only have to google star wars prequel reviews and you will come across websites consisting of, 15 reasons why the prequels sucked, why the prequels failed, why the prequels are worst than the hobbit trilogy.
Being an anti marvel fan i dont expect you to agree with me , but know this, you are in a small minority.
Hello There!
shareWho cares. Don’t watch it. Everyone, hopefully, hates convicted rapist and pedophiles but we still feed and shelter them with our tax money. What are you gonna do?
shareWhen one makes two billion dollars at the box office, they will keep being made for several more years.
shareHonestly, they die the second the credits roll. They are worthless entertainment, nothing more than a dope fix for the masses to be honest.
shareYou wear a tinfoil hat, don't you? Lunatic
sharetoo true, no need to take them seriously
shareNo time soon. You'll just have to tough it out.
shareWhen people stop being entertained by them? If you want to be really smart and expend your fantasy then read a good book. If you want to eat some popcorn while watching explosions and bad one-liners then watch this movie? There is nothing wrong with being just entertained by a movie, there is no reason why it has to be a work of art.
Just, sometimes a movie is just a movie man, just to entertain you, if you dont like it and want more food for the brain then do something else, nobody is forcing you to watch it.