MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Infinity War (2018) Discussion > Scarlett Johansson was not hot in this m...

Scarlett Johansson was not hot in this movie

She was always the hot avenger, but she didn't look good in this at all.

She looked OLDER than her years. Not sure what is happening here.

She's 33, not 43, but she doesn't seem her youthful self.


Lack of makeup and a rotten hairdo certainly age her, I just saw a little bit of Iron Man 2 on TV after just coming back from watching Avengers: Infinity War and the difference in look is noticeable.


That's true. I noticed she seemed much older. My theory is that "in-narrative" she is supposed to have been under significant pressure whilst on the run from the government with Steve Roder's group of Avengers after the ideological schism in "Civil War" so it's showing physically (when Steve and team return to HQ Rhodes comments that "they all look like sh__"). In the real world of the movie production I think the producers have decided to de-emphasise "Black Widow" as the "sexy female" of the Avengers and give prominence instead to "Scarlet Witch".


An additional comment after some thought... Is it intentional?

Is it intentional to make the women characters less attractive and to de-sexualise them?

I mean either in a sanitised safe-for-kids way or possibly in an androgynous way? Kinda consumerised and corporate in a way...

Marvel movies tend to be quite de-sexed anyway. Even a European space fantasy for kids like Valerian and the City of A Thousand Planets has far more sensuality and sexuality than the whole of marvel movies combined... But partly that is the French sensibility...

Is a de-hotted Scarlet Johanson part of this?

Isn't the Olsen woman also under-used as eye candy? She has a quality body and face...


She looks very hot in this movie. But don't be worried if you can't get it up for her, there are enough men who can.


She looked her best in the first Avengers and in Iron Man 2. She looked smoking hot in that interrogation scene in the first Avengers.


She looked pretty hot to me. Zoe Saldana, too!


All the Avengers looked middle aged in this one. When Tony Stark and Pepper Potts were discussing having a baby I kind of thought... "Yeah. Missed the boat on this one, guys."


Pepper definitely looked much older.
