Made More Money Than All Batman Films Worldwide
by end of its run
The Future is Female
Money is always the best way to explain things.
shareI'm glad a garbage movie staring a character I've never heard of managed to trounce a beloved cultural icon's entire repertoire. I don't know if it's inflation or globalism or marketing or what, but anything that forcibly confronts people with absurdity has got to be good. Wake people up from the slow boil. Go ahead and make a law that says all characters must be female. Do it right now.
shareIt didnt even made more then Batman I. You have to realize that there is something called inflation! Google for that :-) ! And then exclude the chinese market which wasnt part of the Batman I market. So whats remaining? A poor agenda movie which small commercial success was sourced by Yep, Captain Marvel is nothing else then a hype movie for the men movie Avegers 4! So sad :-) . Better luck next time doing brain dead and average agenda movies.
shareThere is not one thing that is good about this movie which is really a pathetic testament to poor taste of audiences today. And Im a huge fan of this genre and willing to overlook a lot. But the bland dull story, annoying AF actress, a confusing character that is already not that popular and she destroys it completely and overall the whole experience is as entertaining as a dog squeezing one out on the grass.
shareI dont want to give the audience the fault on this one. They are MCU fans and the only thing they got as a supporting picture (and Captain Marvel is nothing else then a agenda driven supporting picture for Avengers) before Avengers 4 came into the cinemas was .... this average and boring trash. So indeed they took it. Cause there was nothing else there to get informations beofre the main presentation, Avengers 4, was at the cinemas.
shareThe future is full of empty seats for females if those twitter pics are any indication.
Whether Disney bought their own tickets, or some leftists actually managed a successful rally by buying tickets to a movie they never intended to see, just to piss off comic-book fans after what happened with Female Ghostbusters, either way I don't think anyone is really gonna watch Captain Marvel.
If the former theory is correct, I wonder if Disney can afford another box-office fraud for future CM movies? Unless they make it so Blu-Ray/DVD sales of Captain Marvel is bundled with Avengers: Endgame, increasing the price and therefore profiting from that.
If the latter theory is correct, I doubt those people will be willing to waste another $20 for any sequels, as they'll be too busy screeching on whatever is trending with right-wingers by the time Captain Marvel 2 comes out.