I was confused by a whole section of the movie

Newt has to go to this deep dark place with what looks like a reception desk with an old man sitting in a tall chair behind it, with lots of cubbyholes behind him, and then Newt has to leave two of his magical creatures behind for some reason.

Then, he proceeds to try to walk down the sides of this giant massive deep pit with a whole mass of scorpion-like creatures following him, and he tricks them by putting on a weird gesture they all copy, and so he's able to get past. He's also holding a torch that has some kind of glowing worm inside of.

He reaches his brother who is suspended upside-down in an alcove with another torch next to him, and it seems he's been marked for death because, when the torch glowworms die and the light goes out, a huge creature immediately snatches and devours the poor victim in each of the other alcoves, tossing their remains back where they were in less than ten seconds.

I was actually thinking: what the HELL am I watching here? What IS this place? Is it some kind of wizard death row where condemned wizards are randomly eaten by this giant creature?


No wonder this fucking movie SUCKS!

Oh, and to have the entire Wizarding World election process decided by a fucking magical deer creature who can see the future and see who has a pure heart is just plain STUPID!!!



I see no-one knows what I'm talking about in this incoherent MESS of a "movie".


I know exactly what you're talking about. I'm just not sure what answer you're looking for. You described the scene very well. What, exactly is confusing you?


I thought Dumbledore & Newt's conversation just before Newt went there was sufficient. Erkstag is the German Wizard Prison. It was deemed to be too torturous by the Wizarding World and therefore "closed." Obviously, it wasn't really closed, and the German's still used it. The understanding was that if you were sent there, you would never return. Newt successfully broke his brother out of the prison.

Any other questions?


Well, I didn't HEAR that conversation, SMARTARSE.


Were you in the restroom?


The problem with Newt in those movies is that the actor MUMBLES a lot, in that smirky way that annoys me. I never liked the actor.


That's a fair point. He does mumble!


It was explicitly explained in the dialogue. Theseus was taken to Erkstag. It was a prison that was supposed to be closed. The Germans are still using it. Dumbledore procured forged documents to get Newt in to see Theseus.

All of this was said by various characters and we saw Dumbledore give Newt the documents.


As I said before, Newt mumbles.


Newt didn't say any of those things. Other characters did.


Yeah, I saw the movie last weekend and didn't quite get that part either. I think you are right though, it appeared to be some sort of death-row prison. Makes even less sense that not even Newt seemed to know what the place was. He was as surprised and confused as we were. I guess the writers felt the need to try to one-up Azkaban with something that seemed even worse than Azkaban, but it made no sense to me.


What is there to get? It's a prison infested with tiny scorpios which only served as comic relief. There isn't anything more to it than that.


Actually, the giant scorpion-like creatures are supposed to be manticores, which are entirely mythical. (There was an interesting use of this same kind of creature in the USA TV series "Grimm." They actually came across as something pretty fearsome; in that TV series, the only thing that could kill a manticore was another manticore.) The little ones that look like crabs are actually baby manticores. Why they would be affected by Newt's holding his hands up is not clear, but then it is equally peculiar and unexplained why the wouwu is charmed by the puppet thing that Newt holds up that looks like it may represent a "cute" baby wouwu. Ms. Rowling is entitled to make up whatever magical rules she pleases--it's her universe. As long as she is consistent about it. Of course, the place where Theseus is being held prisoner is some sort of German equivalent of Azkaban. The manticores are no more incredible than the dementors in Azkaban. Look, if you are going to "suspend disbelief" to appreciate fantasy or science fiction, then you have to suspend disbelief--and that requires consistency too.


Why they would be affected by Newt's holding his hands up is not clear, but then it is equally peculiar and unexplained why the wouwu is charmed by the puppet thing that Newt holds up that looks like it may represent a "cute" baby wouwu.

That was also something Newt explained. When Theseus asked, "And I presume this, whatever it is that you are doing, is strategic?" Newt replied,"Yes, a technique called limbric mimicry. It discourages violent engagement, theoretically."

In other words, he got the creatures to focus on what he was doing and mimic him rather than attack.


>>>>Oh, and to have the entire Wizarding World election process decided by a fucking magical deer creature who can see the future and see who has a pure heart is just plain STUPID!!!


Firstly, the Qilin, the "fucking magical deer creature" is a Chinese fabulous animal which also appears in Japan and Korea. It supposedly is born to mark the birth a great leader or philosopher. So they are, as they have done in the past, pulling from real myth and legend.

Secondly, the Qilin didn't decide. The wizarding community voted. That was why they were firing off colored smoke. They were, indeed, influenced by the Qilin's actions; but that was because a real, live Qilin, as opposed to the dead one Grindelwald produced, cannot be fooled. So first choosing Dumbledore, and then the witch whose character name I cannot recall at the moment (which is my fault.) cannot be in error. Those two had the pure hearts desirable in a leader. The people than voted. (and some still voted for Grindelwald as well as the other candidate.

Author of the Sodality Universe
The Road from Antioch
In the Markets of Tyre
Flight to Lystra
The Theater at Ephesus (coming soon)
The Council on Jerusalem (coming 2023)


That prison scene was so dumb that its almost hilarious. Its like they finished the movie and then saw that they dont have enough action scenes for a blockbuster so they made up one quickly.

His brother is suspended upside-down for hours if not days. His blood would be so down in his head he would have to take time to recover. Then Newt freeds him and he walks around as if nothing.

Who feeds prisoners and gives them water in that prison? If no one can walk past those creatures? They all would die in 3 days without water. Why was Theseus upside down?

Why wasnt it easier to cast a spell on that prison guard old man if plan was to escape anyway? Why that plan with his animals giving him his Wand? What if prison guard would not fall asleep?

So many questions. That scene was made for 6 years old stupid children. It was offensive with its stupidity for anyone over the age 12.


AGREED, emori!
