MovieChat Forums > Green Room (2016) Discussion > Would a movie about extreme leftists in ...

Would a movie about extreme leftists in place of skinheads fare as well?

Everything is identical but instead of the boring, overused, easy target skinheads as the baddies, what if we had the real threat in extremely violent leftists doing the debauchery? Would it have the same appeal? For some reason, I don't think so.


You are probably trolling but since i'm bored, let me just partake in some extreme polemic political discussion: so you think democrats are more dangerous than skinheads? What extreme leftists are you talking about exactly? BTW: Dinesh de Souza made a wonderful film for the likes of you: Hilary's America :D


You have serious issues with reading comprehension. But for the record, at least here in Europe, political violence consistently comes from the far-left.


I'm from Europe (why do people always have to revert to crudeness?) and what leftist political violence are you talking about? I'm hoping you don't consider the Isis monsters as far left? What political violence are you sir talking about?


Why call someone a troll for no apparent reason, and then make all sorts of assumptions about their political beliefs? I have to chalk that up to your poor reading of his comment, crude or not.

As for the political violence: the general activities of the Antifa come to mind. Also the last time a politician was killed in my country (NL), it was by a far-leftist wacko.


Well excuse me. But this film is a thriller-horror film with bad-guys as neo-nazi's. Why is some *beep* polemic left-right discussion necessary? We are talking neo-nazi's here. Sensible people don't consider them good people.
Second: the movie is not about far-right people trying to kill bleeding heart liberals, it's about a bunch of neo-nazi monsters trying to kill members of a punk band. Anyone feeling the need to make a political statement about this needs to find a hobby. Neo-nazi's are bad. Period.
For the record: this doesn't mean many liberals don't annoy the hell out of me. Even though I consider myself a liberal on many things, I do thank you for notifying me on Antifa. Some crazy stuff. Doesn't change the fact that neo-nazi's suck.


Honestly what are you talking about? OP made an interesting point I think- what if you switched it up politically. Why is far-right such a trusty cliché while far-left isn't. I didn't see anyone claiming nazi's are nice people. You sound rather confused- and sorry if it's crude for me to say so.


I find it rather sad that right-wing people get offended, or annoyed for that matter, for seeing movies portraying neo-nazi's as bad people. Reminds me of the muppets movie where FOX news complained that the bad guy was an oil tycoon. Doesn't make them look a little insecure? Honestly, it kind of scares me that a movie like this makes some right-winger annoyed.
Again, this is about neo-nazi's. Not the tea party. Not right-wing parties. I have more respect for right-wingers to consider neo-nazi's to be part of their group. There are many movies where you could complain about the representation of right-wing parties but this movie is not one of them.
So Nazi's are not nice people. Good. Can we just enjoy a movie where they are the bad-guys without reverting to the tired old polemic right-left wing discussion? Regardless what party you are affiliated with; these people are out enemies.


Yeah, I don't get it. Plus it's not like the skinheads in the movie are racially motivated (there are no black characters that I can think of).

This bunch of skinheads just happens to be envolved in a lot of criminal activities, and murder isn't a big issue for them.

Do all skinheads kill? No, I don't think so.
Are all skinheads bad people? Well, if every one of them has the same base morals, then yeah, probably.

Regardless, this movie is about being at the wrong place, at the wrong time, with the wrong people, but no matter the scenario the "wrong people" would always be bad guys, despite everything. It has nothing to do with politics, but with actions.

Fine, fine, I'll leave! But first I'm going to bother these peanuts! Hmm? Yes? Hmm? HMM?


Are you just trolling now? I hope so. Jesus.


Honestly what are you talking about? OP made an interesting point I think- what if you switched it up politically.

But why? Neither the movie nor its characters have anything to do with politics. So what would that accomplish?

Why is far-right such a trusty cliché while far-left isn't.

Because it's relatable. You have skinheads on one side, and a bunch of random people on the other. Skinheads stand out, you immediately know what they are, what they're likely to do, and what they believe in. As for "far-lefts"? They'd probably be a bunch of very different individuals, each with their own line of reason and I guess that's not what the director wanted.

He wanted skinheads for a reason (really they're more like a biker gang or something, all in one), they all look the same, think the same, it's just one collective "beast". With skinheads you know they all stand together and that it's a tight group who are willing to obey and follow orders without question... and that's why they probably went with skinheads, it's easier to tell the story and you don't have to think too much about the bad guys' motivations. It's all there.

Having "far-left" bad guys would accomplish nothing. How would you know their political orientation? You wouldn't, because it's never mentioned or hinted at in the movie. So, again, what good would that do? You might as well have a band of inbreds or something else, because then you can tell right away what their deal is and how they're a threat to the main guys.

But that would be an entirely different movie.

Fine, fine, I'll leave! But first I'm going to bother these peanuts! Hmm? Yes? Hmm? HMM?


But why? Neither the movie nor its characters have anything to do with politics. So what would that accomplish?

Because this is a discussion board, so he brought up an interesting topic for people to discuss. It's not like he was calling for the movie to be changed or saying that the movie is biased. He simply asked 'what if?'...

What's going on? What's all this shouting? We'll have no trouble here...


Obviously, you are the one trolling. It's like talking to a wall. Jesus.


More like talking to a mirror. From the very first message, this guy is responding to his internal dialogue rather than anything actually being said. I don't know what your deal is.


You haven't brought up your own opinion on the matter, but monitored the thread for posters who call out a offended OP -- who identifies with the skinheads, seeing as s/he bitterly highlighted 'leftists' and answered his own question at the end.

Yes, it's cliche. But it doesn't beat the fact that the neo-nazi standpoint is extreme. Their long history of intimidation and violence proves that.

This "Hollywood" recently released films that reveal the hypocrisy of radical-right campaigns, but OP prefers to nitpick and start a civil war.

Try Me


Yes I did, my opinion was that OP posed an interesting question.. and the fact that you're now saying he/she 'identifies with skinheads' illustrates why.

Living in (Western) Europe I've never dealt with 'skinheads' apart from geeky kids in rural towns who turn out to have swastika's on their computer desktop. This experience might differ from someone living in Eastern Europe, or the US. Far-left violence is a lot more relatable here though, and it's amusing to see the things people infer when someone challenges the trope.


Far-left violence is a lot more relatable here though, and it's amusing to see the things people infer when someone challenges the trope.

The film is only highlighting a particular group of violent people. Fictional as it is, a movie is merely a what if scenario that may or may not reflect the real world. However, it doesn't discount the possibility of violence enacted by a 'skinhead' group.

The OP created a loaded question by confirming the radical leftists "the real threat", when in reality there are threats from both wings. This is an obvious attempt at creating conflict by juxtaposing left and right wings of the political spectrum. The OP already dodged the question when assuming that such a film doesn't exist -- or that it would not have an audience -- because his movie watchlist isn't large enough or he doesn't realize such a film exists. There is an audience for any kind of movie (i.e. guilty pleasures).

Let's not pretend the act, or promotion, of genocide is not violent. It certainly is, and any extremist should be treated as a threat.

Try Me


Are you talking about black block anarchists? Bunch of *beep* posers.

"To err is" - Gary King


Because Hollywood is generally full of leftist shills who view communism as some golden utopian dream.


Just help me out real quick: when was the last time any antifa member killed someone?


You probably mean mass immigration issue. Those in favour of open borders do not represent the left. They are globalists (right wing).

Open borders is an agenda of the right to lower wages and put traditions and culture into a violent blender, it's good for business.


Open borders is an agenda of the right to lower wages and put traditions and culture into a violent blender, it's good for business.
Maybe that is so wherever you are but it is not the case in the US, where we have had more or less open borders for a very long time and now we're starting to recognize the problems that it has caused.


The Tea Party rallies were pretty tame and crime-free. The Fleabagger protests (OWS) were full of property destruction, rapes, murders, and assorted other violence.

Furthermore, the left has a habit of trespassing on private citizens property in order to intimidate them, accost people on their own property etc. The left is about as vile as it gets. Just look at how they're trying to shut down free speech with PC, "trigger alerts", "safe spaces" and a all the rest of that *beep*. They're also the first to resort to violence when they don't get their way. Just scum.


I am sure the left just wishes the right would pay their taxes instead of sponging off the state that they and their businesses profit from which is the way things are at the moment. Wall Street is full of freeloaders - and they own both parties.

America is going to end up with a kind of fascism, corporate governance - implementing a kind of communism for the rich. They are far from free since they drifted to the extreme right. When they aren't cutting the environmental protection agency to give some billionaire a new tax break (which he sends out of the country to offshore banks) they are spending trillions on surveillance and security agencies America does not need and foreign wars for Israel. Only democracy could change that but, but a democracy USA is not.


but a democracy USA is not.
Nor was it ever intended to be.


Well, let's compare the violence and arrest rates for the Tea Party vs the Occupy Wall Street/Black Lives Matter movement shall we? I'll start...arrests at Tea Party rallies = zero. Game over.

You wanna talk about "more dangerous". 60 million babies slaughtered in the womb since 1973. That's leftist violence for you. Now tell me where skinheads in America come in on the murder chart?

Skinheads are just ignorant morons who sit around all day and listen to heavy metal. They pose no threat to you.


A fetus without a neural tube is merely a vegetable. Just a cluster of cells.

You're also comparing abortions with the concession (and practice) of genocide ...

Try Me


You're an idiot. Comparing a political party to a political movement/rally, completely backwards and irrational logic. That's like me saying, "let's see, libertarian party arrests = zero. KKK arrests? Libertarians win!"

Yeah, abortions happen, get the *beep* over it. It isn't up to you what a woman should do with her body. If you want to live in a authoritarian theocracy that dictates everything people can and can not do then move to the Middle East.


Well, considering latest demonstrations at political rally's, I could identify with that. Paid radicals is more of a reality show.


just reverse the roles:

skinhead band trying to survive violent punks.

will never happen. cos media is "left".

thats why: punks(left)= good,
skinheads (right)= evil.

its really blatant.


So Skinheads are good guys now :P? Those poor neo-nazi's... (and yes I know, many skinheads are not racist, but come on, let's not act that many skinheads don't deserve the bad names they've gotten :P)


Yeah, I forgot how far left Fox News is, along with all those religious/conservative radio talk shows I hear every morning. Screaming how "left" the media is. Yes, there is left media, there's also right media, it's ultimately bipartisan. The thing about the right-wing is that they're staunch traditionalists about 30 years behind. They see the world in black and white with views that are outdated, so any developed country with equal rights are suddenly "leftist". Shows how completely insane the far-right have become.


Everything is identical but instead of the boring, overused, easy target skinheads as the baddies, what if we had the real threat in extremely violent leftists doing the debauchery? Would it have the same appeal? For some reason, I don't think so.

Someone completely earnestly typed this sentence out. Someone unironically thought this sentence would be smart. Wow.

"Ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?"


You'd have SJWs screeching about being triggered and whining for safe spaces.


Are "SJW safe places" like where Anne Frank was hiding with her family and those places slaves used to run away to in 19th century US? After all, Frank and escaped slaves are probably the most well known SJW examples in history.


no way.

the SJWs would be screaming about boycotts and safe spaces and the media would slam the movie before it was even released.

the current narrative isn't just that leftists are good, and right-wingers are evil, it's even more over the top than that.

i'm surprised that the producers didn't call for a reshoot to portray the skinhead leader as donald trump.


As the other guy said: this movie is not political. The politics doesn't matter. But if anyone, actually, feels slightly offended because neo-nazi's are being portrayed as evil, if anyone feels even slightly affiliated with them with their right-wing politics then you are seriously pathetic.

Every person, left or right, should be against them. Shameful dudes.


thanks for that piece of remarkably irrelevant strawman.


Considering the OP is a strawman argument...


And yet the last season of South Park got on the air and the media didn't shut it down. How could that have happened?

Check out a movie called The Last Supper for a decent reversal of these roles. Not great, but somewhat interesting approach to that.

But anyone who wants to see a group of Skinheads as the good guys being victimized in a movie is probably a lunatic anyway.


Extreme leftists don't kill people. They just try to give them free health care.


No, but probably not for the reason you're thinking of. Part of the reason the movie works so well is because it knows exactly what you picture when you think of skinhead Neo-nazis, and a lot of the movie is playing off of and subverting your preconceived ideas. It's not that people wouldn't like it because they'd be offended by the suggestion of a violent left wing faction, it just wouldn't work because (at least in america) there just isn't any kind of left wing analog to skinheads.
