MovieChat Forums > Yoga Hosers (2016) Discussion > Do any Canadians actually use the word "...

Do any Canadians actually use the word "Hoser"

I'm Canadian and I've lived in Canada my entire life. I had never, ever heard that word until I watched "How I Met Your Mother."


Eh, Bob and Doug McKenzie definitely popularized it on SCTV, and for a certain age group i think hoser is as canadian as maple syrup.

I and co-workers have definitely employed this term.

"Luke Skywalker has vanished."



Only heard the accent in stupid movies and when I went to PEI for the day and 1 person in a gas station had the accent. And working in Ontario I have noticed people here do have a nasily accent but thats it.


I used to live in Toronto but now that I'm up in Northern Ontario I occasionally run into people with an accent that's much closer to that stereotypical Canadian accent. But it's always older people. I've never met a young person who talks like that.


For me it was The McKenzie Brothers but yeah, I've never actually MET anyone who says that. To be honest, everything in that trailer was clearly an American's impression of Canada from 30 years of TV and movies. ( Not to mention, the whole thing looks.... just... terrible ... )


I think this entire movie was made so he could do the aboot joke.
I am sure he was laughing his arse off in the edit suit.


I've also lived in Canada my entire life and have never used the word or heard other people use it. Though I did hear it in a Christmas song that was by a Canadian band but that was about it.


From what I heard, somewhere, it's a hockey term. During some leagues games, before the Zamboni Machine was popular or affordable, the losing team would have to resurface the ice. To do that, they would have to get a hose and something like a squeegee to evenly distribute the water. So, the losing team was "The Hosers" that somehow got picked up into Canadian nomenclature and eventually was decidedly said all over Canada by Americans.

If any of that is true, I don't know, but that's what I heard.

The greatest story ever told in six words. "For Sale: Baby Shoes, Never Worn." - Ernest Hemingway


I've never heard a Canadian person say it in a non-ironic way. I've heard Americans say it just as much... as a reference to Bob & Doug McKenzie.

^Signature is below here
Americans have the right to burn the flag. 🔥🇺🇸🔥
