MovieChat Forums > Yoga Hosers (2016) Discussion > Do any Canadians actually use the word "...

Do any Canadians actually use the word "Hoser"

I'm Canadian and I've lived in Canada my entire life. I had never, ever heard that word until I watched "How I Met Your Mother."


It was coined by Bob & Doug Mackenzie. Two characters played by Rick Moranis and Dave Thomas from the sketch comedy show SCTV.

It's permeated the zeitgeist of Canadiana because it's from SCTV. It's no different than someone quoting "I live in a van, down by the river", or some such other popular quote from a popular tv show.


I am Canadian. Live in Montreal one of the biggest city of the country. Never heard it outside of American playing Canadian. Same goes for the accent and the weird "about" and "Hey". We speak exactly like Americans do. Our weird accent are in french the as your southern accent.


Do Dave Thomas and Rick Moranis count?


Doug and Bob McKenzie used it all the time and they're Canadian. :)
Take off, hoser!!

"Pull out.I can't get pregnant now your dad may be floating around looking for a body to reincarnate


I guess you've never seen SCTV or watched the movie Strange Brew? or even The Trailer Park Boys? I call people hosers or hose-heads all the time. Welcome to Canada, eh!


I think it was invented for "Strange Brew", and now people think that's what Canadians say.


The term "hoser" was actually created on SCTV for the show within the show "The Great White North" with Bob and Doug McKenzie. It didn't really have any connotation before then but the term took off with the popularity of the show and from what I understand people in Canada used it for a short period of time.

However, as with most things foreign, when it made it's way here to the states it suddenly became part of the "Canadian Identity" and people just assumed that this was how Canadians talked or was an actual term they used to describe themselves.

A hoser was, and still is, an unsophisticated Canadian who is a bit of a slob, only watches hockey on TV, eats donuts, drinks beer, wears flannel and is generally uneducated. Not necessarily a high school dropout but somebody who didn't continue their education past high school. They typically work menial jobs when they're not on pogey, that's Canadian slang for unemployment insurance, and really don't amount to much.
