Liberal Hollywood agenda

Hollywood has to take a decent movie and add their modern, liberal agenda to it with the addition of the gay character. People are getting sick and tired of this agenda being forced on them everywhere you turn.


I absolutely concur & all the naysayers are queer monger. Don't let all the sodomites sway your integrity, as a lot of `em behave like heterophobes, just the same!

First Hollywood pushed tolerance, then they advocated acceptance & now they want us to like it!


Oh for goodness' sake, get down off that cross!!! It's nearly winter and we need the wood!!!!!


I hear you. Hollywood won some battles but is losing the war. Secular leftist societies are projected to either collapse or be marginalized before 2100 all over the west. So take heart... the gay agenda will collapse with the demographic collapses coupled with the Muslim explosion. Not ideal but it will be satisfying to see the world correct itself in our lifetimes :)

"Obamacare: It only works if you don't!"


"Secular leftist societies are projected to either collapse or be marginalized before 2100 all over the west. So take heart... the gay agenda will collapse... it will be satisfying to see the world correct itself in our lifetimes :)"

Planning on living another 83 years are you? Do us a favor...and don't.
