Liberal Hollywood agenda

Hollywood has to take a decent movie and add their modern, liberal agenda to it with the addition of the gay character. People are getting sick and tired of this agenda being forced on them everywhere you turn.


gay characters are not new and never have been a new addition to society. watch some old films and try to notice the coded gay characters. just put a sock in it, nobody cares about your unoriginal rant


WHOA! People just get a grip on yourselves, seriously. There was practically nothing about this movie that should give anyone the idea of any "agenda", even if there WAS one. Everyone in this whole thread has said something wrong or otherwise incorrect, but for argument's sake, how about we forget about tallying up who racked up more offensive words and just walk away from it.

I watched very intently at what was being said and it was BARELY EVEN IMPLIED that there was a gay character. Niko said something to Angelo about why would Toula be keeping secrets from the family, and then Thia Voula asked Niko something like "Are they partners or partners?" to which Niko replied "Yes." That's really all there was to it.

If there's any agenda at all, it's coming not so much from Hollywood as it is from the special interest groups, because the pride rallies are getting reputations for going way overboard with indecency.


what is it with you idiotic conservatives thinking everything's an agenda? Not everything is about you and your archaic expectations. Get over yourself.


Right on, and not all of us who ARE conservatives (I loved the flick, by the way) are like the original poster, either! 

Amanda Bynes is hot and Lindsay Lohan is not.
Profile pic: Courtney Thorne-Smith.


When the gay part revealed itself, i thought, "here it comes...people ragging on a Hollywood gay agenda....i can hear it now....." oh hey! Here it is!!!


Gosh, I thought it was a sweet movie about the importance of marriage and family, culminating in a big church wedding.


Idiotic; you mean like John Ford and John Wayne, or that new wave of young conservatives, or Robert Downey, or???

Republicans are whining cry babies, my god, you've got what I consider the Lunatic, Baptist South, the moronic Trump supporters, the "no one likes Ted Cruz," people...; republicans cry when they don't get 100% of something.


Oh great, I think a neckbeard or social injustice warrior just appeared. Good job making the world a crappier place! Now back to your dorritos and video games, nerd.

