The Ending...SPOILERS

Really enjoyed this...the trap she was in, the working through of her past (and awful) experiences, that crazy feral dog...
It had a nice dramatic and frightening feel
And i liked that 'Death' was closing in...
Then the WTH!?! ending out of nowhere...they shoulda snipped out the serial killer was silly and Death stalking about the house was way cooler



The husband called it a 'stray' when they almost hit it with the feral would be the word Dazed
And it would have torn her to pieces if hubby wasnt on the floor like a buffet...hell, she had to kick it off the bed at one point
And i know it wasnt Death but rather a serial killer that popped up in the last 10 minutes relating to none of the drama i had bought into prior...
I thought the grave robber was a fine example of overwriting something that already worked perfectly



His dickishness is moot...were not talking about that here
A dog that gets loose and reverts to its natural state to survive (stalking, killing for meat) is called a 'feral dog'
No longer a tame pet and clearly very hungry he would have eaten every ounce of meat in that bedroom
Including pretty Carla



Carla was not scary while chained up and available to eat right up (she WAS pretty hot tho lol :)
And of course doggy booked out ... That creeper was really creepy!!!
Ferals are tames gone wild
Whatever Dazed...
I like you and think YOURE cool and fun too
Thx;) see you around



Wow thx...
So many emojies...
Im ... dazed...


Then the WTH!?! ending out of nowhere...they shoulda snipped out the serial killer was silly and Death stalking about the house was way cooler

And i know it wasnt Death but rather a serial killer that popped up in the last 10 minutes relating to none of the drama i had bought into prior...

Well, blame King since that was originally in the book. I don't see why they should have removed or changed it, I bet it would have made King's fans quite angry if the adaptation wouldn't have been faithful to the novel.

I loved the twist, so... It's definitely something that had to be there.


I disagree very strongly (but you seem nice so NO disrespect intended)
I just felt it was a cheap twist that did not belong in an otherwise solid and touching story about an unfortunate woman's story of survival
I was 100% loving this tale ... That serial killer stuff was really out of left field and ground a good film to a total wtf!?! halt
So stupid...kind of ruined a great one for me
Pisses me off especially because i enjoyed the whole narrative of the protaganist coming to terms with her terrible past and current crappy relationships...i saw a huge and rewarding growth arc there...then...BOOM cheap serial killer crap for 7 minutes...
It was a bad letdown for me-otherwise a fine film and Gugino was great


I 100% disagree with you, I loved that the serial killer was real. If it was fantasy, it would've added nothing to the movie as she was already imagining her husband and herself talking to her. The fact that there was a real threat there all along was very disturbing! And as another said, it was in the book, so take it up with Stephen King.


Agree to disagree


Well I could agree with you, but not entirely. Because yeah in a way it proved that there "was a real threat all along", but even if he wasn't "real" it looked like there was a real danger anyways.

You make a good point though, but I loved the fact that the serial killer seemed to be a representation of "death" and that she thought she was seeing it as something that she had to fight to escape.

Also well I don't want to be a pain in the neck but... How and when did he get in the car when she crashed her car if he was actually a person? This element kinda broke all possible logic with him being real.


As for your last point, it's because he was never actually in the car. He was only real the first time and the last time in the house when the dog ran away, and that was it. The times he appeared with the glowing eyes, he was just another hallucination, like when she woke up to something licking her feet and saw him at first, but it was really just the dog. It was her mind running with her fears as her mind and body struggled to stay awake and drive... Hence him turning into her father and saying "mouse" right before she crashed.


I have to agree on this. This twist was forced and didn't really fit with the rest of the movie.

I also don't understand why in the bloody hell would he spare Gugino's character knowing that he is clearly a psychopath and total lack of empathy is a known trait of any psychopath.

I feel like King just didn't know how to end it and decided to put a twist. If it was meant to be breathtaking well it totally failed with me. My personal reaction was more like "okay... Really?"

Also why make him a serial killer when the supernatural aspect worked so well during the whole story? It was was way creepier that way. Now i just feel like I wasted my time.


I liked the fact it was a serial killer.


Was it a twist though? Because when they are in the car there is a report on the radio that says something about break-ins at a cemetery, so it was set up. But the guy did look like Death itself.

Aside from that, I did not like the ending. Not just the serial killer stuff, but the whole thing. It just felt crammed in and almost like an afterthought.


That is a valid question and i suppose youre was set up earlier in the radio report

I really liked the 'Death' stalking her vibe much more...



I did as well. Some ambiguity would've been better. Did she imagine him, did she not. That would've been a more interesting thing to do IMO. Oh well...
