Wow, just wow...

I don't often write reviews, but I am gonna make an exception for "Blood Father":

Wow, this movie was AWFUL! Terrible acting, mediocre directing and an unrealistic plot. I really enjoyed the Mesrine movies, but this flick is just not up to the standard you would expect.

I don't know what the worst part is, the total lack of realism, the shallow and dumb dialogue, the cliches and predictability, or the feeling that the director is rushing through the movie, as if he wants to rip off a band aid. Actually the best part about this movie is its short run-time of 1.28h.

I feel insulted as a viewer, that they feed me this crap and waste 1,5 hours of my life.

Do yourself a favour and don't watch this movie. You will regret it.



oh yea? that is like your opinion man

i thought it was awesome! if you are a Mel Gibson fan, you will enjoy this!


I thought that was what discussion boards are for? Sharing opinions..


He is quoting the Big Lebowski

~I see a little silhouette of a man, Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you do the Fandango.


He is quoting the Big Lebowski



No you are

~I see a little silhouette of a man, Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you do the Fandango.


He's not poorly quoting The Big Lebowski.


I thought that was what discussion boards are for? Sharing opinions..

And it's all nice and well but you invalidate your post as "just an opinion" with an ending like

"Do yourself a favour and don't watch this movie. You will regret it. "

Your opinion is just that, get over yourself. You share it and you'll get plenty of people saying they agree with you and you'll feel better about yourself because what's really important is that you're not alone in your opinion. It's a sheep mentality.

But you don't mind if other people make their own opinion instead of considering your 3 second "review" the word of God, do you?

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


Lol? Good psychoanalysis Freud. So when you give advice, your opinion gets invalid? I couldn't give two donkeys if you agree with me or not, I just felt like giving people a heads up before they watch this crap. A sheep mentality would be to write a 10 star review as that's what everyone else does appearently, and is the very reason that drove me to write this "warning" in the first place. You obviously took offense by my post, since you categorically avoid talking about the film and rather try to troll me. Well you got your answer troll. Well done :)


I just don't like it when people tell me not to watch something... Any reviewer worth their salt does not do this; they give their opinion and leave the reader to make up their own minds. The more somebody tells me NOT to watch something, the more I want to do it, just to spite them - because your perspective will not be shared by everyone.

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"


So you're a 2 year old then. Got it.

What do you think public movie-ratings are for? It shows you what other people think about the movie so you can make a choice based on their rating if you think it's worth seeing or not. If it has got a 2/10 rating for example, that would imply that people think the movie is bad, and chance is you won't enjoy it either. If it had got a 8/10 rating, chances are you will find the movie good. But in your mind you always watch the 2's just to spite the people telling you it's bad.

You must watch a lot of crap if you always do the opposite of what people advice you.


Here's some psychoanalysis for you. You sound extremely egotistical and I wouldn't bet against you being a narcissist. The way you make yourself out to be the ultimate judge of movies and if people don't agree with you, they are wrong. How you belittle people who share their opinion of the movie or disagree with your opinion. You have one hell of a god complex and respond to criticism immaturely for someone about to turn (or has recently turned) 30.


Only in this case, it seems more like trollin.


That's such a nice way to disagree :)

One should learn the lessons from the Dude


I'm no particular fan of Gibson, and boy did I enjoy Blood Father anyway. I found the acting was superb, especially by Gibson. He really seemed to be lost and at a loss, like someone who feels uneasy to even be alive, at first he didn't know what to do with that girl who said was his daughter, but then they grew on her again. Quite convincingly done. The plot was rather coherent, there were no ex-machinas, and the movie was well done technically.


If i am a mel gibson's fan a have to admire every *beep* he is acting in?
Or may be someone pays you?
Who knows?


Didn't hate it as much as you, but this...

the director is rushing through the movie

Movie definitely felt rushed.


Its people like you that shouldnt even post you are just a hater and a Neg I thought it was very entertaining


So people that don't share your opinion shouldn't be allowed to post? Gotcha Kim!


You know, it's OK for people to have a differing opinion on a movie. At least the OP wrote down why he disliked it instead of just posting "lol this movie sux."



Its people like you that shouldnt even post you are just a hater and a Neg I thought it was very entertaining
Your post makes no sense. This is a movie discussion board. That means, both positive and negative views can be voiced.

I enjoyed the movie too, but, I respect the rights of the people who didn't to give their opinions and give reasons why they disliked it, which the OP did. All you said is that you thought it was very entertaining. That really doesn't bring anything to the discussion.

Personally, I thought Gibson and William H. Macy gave great performances. The pacing was a little off and rushed, and some of the supporting actors fell a little flat. The biggest problem with this movie was the villains, they were just cookie-cutter bad guys. But, with all that being said I had a blast with this movie. It was exactly what I expected, a fun action flick that I really enjoyed watching. It brought me back to Mel's Lethal Weapon days.


When movie hell is full, re-makes shall walk the earth.


I got what I expected so I have no regrets.

It was a fast paced action film with a reused but interesting plot; simple but unpredictable characters and a good climax. I wasn't expecting big budget or anything deep.

I would like to see another like it (especially with Mel) but probably not straight away.


@ djpeters-fish

Same here :)

Quite what I expected too. (Mesrine movies are a completely different kind of Flicks, so I didn't await Blood Father to be as complex)

I had a hell of a good time, but heck, I'm a Gibson "fan"


Actually you gave it a 3/10. You gave Central Intelligence a 6 though. Stunning. That one is something you consider to be twice as good as Blood Father.

Maybe the next Transformers movie will be more to your liking?


Yeah, I slept on it, and changed my vote to a 3. Hope that is fine with you? You can't compare ratings like that. Central intelligence is a mediocre, but ok comedy. It's not trying to be anything more than that. And that is what you expect when you see it. This movie on the other hand.. Well I think I covered that :)

It would be more fair to compare it to Taken or Mesrine. And it is just not up to those standards. In my opinion. Sure, I love Mel Gibson, but im pretty sure this is not his proudest work.. Kind of like De Niro in The Intern, cringeworthy.


I gave Central Intelligence a 7 (it is hilarious) and Blood Father a 5 (it just didn't captivate me at all), and I don't think they are comparable.

And even if they were similar enough then it's still individual how much entertaining a movie is for you.

As you mentioned Transformers. One may like the first and dislike all others and it's fine.

Maybe you should watch Sharknado. ;)

Lincoln Lee: I lost a partner.
Peter Bishop: I lost a universe!


I don't know what the worst part is, the total lack of realism, the shallow and dumb dialogue, the cliches and predictability, or the feeling that the director is rushing through the movie, as if he wants to rip off a band aid. Actually the best part about this movie is its short run-time of 1.28h.

Wow, what a complete idiot that makes you! Talking absolute crap!

But I'll give you a chance to redeem yourself - please provide a proper review, explaining what lacked realism, what was shallow and dumb about the dialogue, which clichés and when was it predictable?

I could say the nonsense you said about any movie, it's just generic drivel. Explain yourself like an adult, or keep your mouth shut.

You think that's air you're breathing now?



I could say the nonsense you said about any movie, it's just generic drivel. Explain yourself like an adult, or keep your mouth shut.
Whoa there Mr. Dick-tator! Who the hell are you to tell people what they can and can't say on an open, public message board? You'll give him a chance to redeem himself?? You need to get over yourself.

I enjoyed the movie too, but I respect the OP's right to say that it didn't live up to their standards. He/She posted an opinion, gave valid reasons for that opinion, and moved on. Most people that have a negative view of a film go on the movie's board and say "worst movie everrrrrr!!" "this sux, and ur stupid if u like it"

Damn, some people will find any reason to jump on somebody who doesn't share their opinions on everything. If we all agreed, this would be one boring ass world. All art is subjective, try to remember that.


When movie hell is full, re-makes shall walk the earth.


Most people that have a negative view of a film go on the movie's board and say "worst movie everrrrrr!!" "this sux, and ur stupid if u like it"

They TOLD people not to watch it - that's pretty definitive, and just as annoying (it's certainly worse than saying the movie sucks, or even "sux"... )

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"


that's marvelous.

so somehow you thought all or even some of it was realistic? What bits?

What intelligent high minded dialogue did you detect?

Please enlighten us.

Of course the description given doesnt apply to "any" movie. It only applies to garbage like this one.

by the way, dont be an ignorant dick and respect other peoples' opinions.



Realism. Have you ever seen a narc? This girl in the beginning of the movie looked like a sweet mamma's girl. Nice and sobre face with a good looking skin. A movie is a movie not when some movie star plays, but when you believe. I didn't trust this movie just from the beginning.


Well at least you're not as bad as Roger Friedman. That old D-bag has some sort of baffling personal vendetta against Mel Gibson.


Roger Friedman's vendetta started during the production of The Passion of the Christ. At the time, Friedman was writing at and actually had an audience. One of his more egregious articles claimed that The Passion wasn't going to be released in heavily Jewish areas, implying anti-Semitism:

All of this seems designed to keep "The Passion of the Christ" out of neighborhoods that are considered Jewish, upscale or liberal.,2933,111307,00.html

This was at a time when the distribution company was fighting to get screens. David Poland wrote a refutation titled "ROGER FRIEDMAN'S BLOOD LIBEL AGAINST THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST"

Sometimes, a journalist makes a mistake. And sometimes, a journalist makes a mistake that is so heinous and easily remedied by any fact checking that the person's publisher deserves to be threatened with litigation and the person in question deserves to lose their job.

Such is the story with today's breathtakingly inaccurate and malicious fairy tale by Roger Friedman, printed at regarding the release pattern of The Passion of The Christ. The premise of this unresearched mess is that Newmarket Films and Mel Gibson are avoiding big cities and Jewish populations with the theatrical release pattern of the film.
It took me all of two minutes to find out that Roger Friedman's facts were incorrect. I went to two web sites and made one phone call.

Roger Friedman wasn't fired from Foxnews until he reviewed a pirated stream of Wolverine. Now he is pretty much a non-entity.



I had forgotten about Roger Friedman's past lies.


Blood Father is a very, very overrated film. Granted, it wasn't a middle aged man is not what people think he is and secretly is a badass type of film which I am sick of but it was a clichéd father must protect a loved one story that's been done even more times. It was a very predictable film, I don't understand the great reviews by critics, I thought this was on par with The Gunman with Sean Penn and I know crtitcs hated that one so I'm confused by that. I wouldn't say terrible acting though, Gibson was quite good and easily the best aspect of the film. William H. Macy and Michael Parks are two very underrated actors but sadly had nothing to do with their roles due to a short and weak script.

It clocked in at 82 minutes without credits, that's ridiculously short, it's also a positive given how meh the film was. The directing was average but it did indeed, feel rushed. I would say the biggest negative is the screenplay, it was quite uninteresting because it was so run-of-the-mill, they didn't add anything I haven't seen before in a film and it was executed pretty bland. I didn't think it was a bad film, not a good film either but it's what I would call a timewaster film, I really don't understand the great reviews. Edge of Darkness was better.
